Will Jinn Also Be Gathered on the Day of Judgment?

Authored by: Dr. Raza Abdullah Pasha (Hafizahullah)


Will the jinn, like humans, also be gathered on the Day of Judgment?


Yes, the jinn will also be gathered on the Day of Judgment, as confirmed in the Quran:
  1. Allah’s Statement in Surah Maryam:

    "So by your Lord, We will surely gather them and the devils; then We will bring them to be present around Hell upon their knees."
    [Surah Maryam: 68]
  2. Allah’s Statement in Surah Al-An‘am:

    "And [mention, O Muhammad], the Day when He will gather them together [and say], 'O company of jinn, you have misled many of mankind.' And their allies among mankind will say, 'Our Lord, we have benefited from each other, and we have reached our term which You appointed for us.' He will say, 'The Fire is your residence, wherein you will abide eternally, except for what Allah wills. Indeed, your Lord is Wise and Knowing.' "
    [Surah Al-An‘am: 128]


  • Allah’s Oath of Gathering:
    In "So by your Lord, We will surely gather them" (Surah Maryam: 68), Allah swears by His divine self to emphasize that all beings will be resurrected from their graves and gathered on the Day of Judgment, including jinn and devils, as He gathers the believers.
  • Shayateen (Devils):
    Shayateen, the evil beings among the jinn, will also be gathered. One interpretation suggests that each disbeliever will be bound with a devil in chains. As Allah mentions:

    "Gather those who did wrong, their kinds, and whatever they used to worship."
    [Surah As-Saffat: 22]

    This indicates that the disbelievers will be gathered alongside the devils who misled them.
  • Purpose of Gathering:
    The jinn will be gathered alongside their human companions, particularly those whom they misled, to face accountability. Allah will expose the relationship between humans and jinn where they exploited and misled one another.

Key Takeaways:

  1. The jinn, like humans, will be gathered on the Day of Judgment.
  2. Disbelievers and their devilish companions will be brought together for judgment.
  3. This gathering will demonstrate the extent of their misguidance and mutual exploitation.