Compiled by: Dr. Raza Abdullah Pasha (Hafidhahullah)
"On the day of Uhud, when the polytheists were defeated, Satan shouted: ‘O servants of Allah, look behind you!’
So, the front rows turned back and clashed with those in the rear. Hudhayfah (RA) saw that their swords were striking his father, so he shouted:
‘O servants of Allah, my father, my father!’
By Allah, they did not stop until they had killed him. Hudhayfah (RA) then said: ‘May Allah forgive you.’
Urwah (RA) said:
"Hudhayfah (RA) continued to carry a lasting sense of goodness from this act until he met Allah."
(Sahih al-Bukhari, Hadith No. 59)
This incident highlights Satan’s tactics of creating confusion and discord during critical moments, and the importance of remaining steadfast and forgiving in such situations.
It is narrated from Sayyidah Aisha (RA) that she said:"On the day of Uhud, when the polytheists were defeated, Satan shouted: ‘O servants of Allah, look behind you!’
So, the front rows turned back and clashed with those in the rear. Hudhayfah (RA) saw that their swords were striking his father, so he shouted:
‘O servants of Allah, my father, my father!’
By Allah, they did not stop until they had killed him. Hudhayfah (RA) then said: ‘May Allah forgive you.’
Urwah (RA) said:
"Hudhayfah (RA) continued to carry a lasting sense of goodness from this act until he met Allah."
(Sahih al-Bukhari, Hadith No. 59)
On the day of Uhud, Satan’s role was to sow confusion and disorder among the Muslims by shouting a false warning, causing the front rows to turn and engage with their own rear troops. In the chaos, Hudhayfah’s father (Al-Yaman) was mistakenly killed by fellow Muslims. Despite this tragedy, Hudhayfah (RA) responded with forgiveness, demonstrating remarkable patience and faith.This incident highlights Satan’s tactics of creating confusion and discord during critical moments, and the importance of remaining steadfast and forgiving in such situations.