Virtues of Sending Blessings Upon the Prophet in the Light of the Quran

Written by: Ghulam Mustafa Zaheer Amn Puri

Allah Almighty says:

"And We have raised high for you your repute."

(Surah Ash-Sharh 94:4)

The scholars have explained this verse in three meanings:

  1. Allah granted the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) a high status through the everlasting honor of Prophethood and Messengership.
  2. Allah elevated the Prophet's (peace be upon him) status in the Hereafter, just as He granted him honor in this world.
  3. The mention of the Prophet (peace be upon him) will be alongside the mention of Allah.
Sayyiduna Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said:

"Jibreel (peace be upon him) came to me and said: 'Your Lord and mine says: How have I raised your repute?' The Prophet (peace be upon him) replied: 'Allah knows best.' Allah said: 'Whenever I am mentioned, you will be mentioned along with Me.'"

(Tafsir At-Tabari: 30/235)

Imam Ibn Hibban (3382) has declared this Hadith as "Sahih" (authentic).

Sending blessings and peace upon the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is a duty of a believer, more significant than the duty owed to one's parents. Sending blessings upon the noble Prophet (peace be upon him) is essentially an act of obedience to Allah's command and a sign of deep love and devotion to the Prophet (peace be upon him). This act is something only those who are heedless can neglect. It is a blessed practice observed by both Allah and His angels.

Virtues of Sending Blessings in the Light of the Quran:

Allah Almighty commands:

"Indeed, Allah and His angels send blessings upon the Prophet. O you who have believed, ask [Allah to confer] blessing upon him and ask [Allah to grant him] peace."

(Surah Al-Ahzab 33:56)

Imam Al-Tabari (224-310 AH), the leader of the commentators, explains:

"It is also possible to interpret this verse to mean that Allah shows mercy to the Prophet (peace be upon him), and His angels pray for him and seek forgiveness for him."(Jami' al-Bayan fi Ta'wil Ay al-Quran, Tafsir At-Tabari: 19/174)

Hafiz Ibn Hajar (773-852 AH), while quoting from Allama Halimi, writes:

"The meaning of sending blessings upon the Prophet (peace be upon him) is to honor him. When we say 'O Allah, send blessings upon Muhammad,' it means 'O Allah, honor Muhammad.' In this world, honoring him means raising his repute, making his religion dominant, and preserving his Shariah. In the Hereafter, it means increasing his reward, accepting his intercession for his Ummah, and highlighting his virtue through the Maqam Mahmud (the Praiseworthy Station). Based on this meaning, Allah’s command: 'Send blessings upon him,' means 'Pray to your Lord to honor him.'"(Fath al-Bari Sharh Sahih al-Bukhari: 11/156)

Hafiz Ibn Al-Qayyim (691-751 AH) writes:

"In this noble verse, the commanded blessing is a request from Allah for what He has informed us about His blessings and the blessings of His angels. It includes praise for the Prophet (peace be upon him), the manifestation of his virtue and honor, and the intention of honoring and bringing him closer. It encompasses both a report and a request. Our request and prayer for the Prophet (peace be upon him) is called a blessing for two reasons: first, it includes praise for him, mentioning his honor and virtue, and the intention of Allah’s love for this. Thus, it includes both report and request. Second, we call our request a blessing because we ask Allah to bless him. Allah's blessing upon him is His praise and His will to raise his repute and bring him closer, while our blessing upon him means asking Allah to do this for him."(Jala al-Afham, p. 162)

Imam Ibn Kathir (700-774 AH), a scholar of Ahl al-Sunnah and an Islamic historian, says:

"The purpose of this verse is for Allah to inform His servants about the high status of His servant and Prophet in the highest assembly (the heavens). Allah praises him before the close angels, and the angels send blessings upon him. Then, Allah commands the people of the lower world to also send blessings and peace upon him so that his praise will be combined from both the higher and lower worlds."

(Tafsir Ibn Kathir: 6/457)