The Ruling on the Utensils and Slaughter of the People of the Book and Other Disbelievers

Written by: Sheikh Mubashir Ahmad Rabbani (may Allah protect him)


Is it permissible to eat the slaughtered animals of the People of the Book and other disbelievers? And can their utensils be used? Please provide clarification.

It is not permissible to consume the slaughtered animals of disbelievers other than the People of the Book (i.e., Jews and Christians). Whether they are Magians, idol worshipers, communists, or any other type of non-believers, their slaughtered animals and even broths derived from them are not permissible for consumption. This is because Allah Almighty has only made the food of the People of the Book lawful for us, and no other disbelievers’ food is permissible. Allah says:

"Today, all good things have been made lawful for you. The food of those who were given the Scripture (the People of the Book) is lawful for you, and your food is lawful for them."
[Al-Ma'idah: 5]

According to Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) and other commentators, the word “food” here refers to their slaughtered animals. However, there is no harm in consuming fruits and similar types of food, as these do not fall under the category of “forbidden food”. The food of a Muslim is permissible for all, whether Muslim or non-Muslim, as long as the Muslim is a true believer—someone who worships Allah alone and does not call upon prophets, saints, the deceased, or the deities of disbelievers along with Allah.

The Issue of Utensils:​

Regarding the use of utensils, it is obligatory for Muslims to avoid using the utensils of disbelievers, particularly those used for their food and wine. If it is difficult to have separate utensils, then it is the responsibility of the Muslim cooking or preparing food to thoroughly clean the utensils used by disbelievers before using them to prepare food for Muslims.

In Sahih Bukhari, it is narrated from Abu Tha'labah al-Khushani (may Allah be pleased with him) that he asked the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) about the utensils of the polytheists. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said:

"Do not eat in them unless you cannot find any other utensils. In that case, wash them thoroughly and then eat from them."
[Bukhari, Book of Slaughter and Hunting, Chapter: The Utensils of Magians and Carrion, Hadith: 5496]

This Hadith indicates that while using the utensils of disbelievers is generally discouraged, if there is no alternative, they should be washed thoroughly before use.