Compiled by: Dr. Raza Abdullah Pasha (Hafizahullah)
Allah, the Most Exalted, states in the Quran:
"وَرَفَعَ أَبَوَيْهِ عَلَى الْعَرْشِ وَخَرُّوا لَهُ سُجَّدًا ۖ وَقَالَ يَا أَبَتِ هَٰذَا تَأْوِيلُ رُؤْيَايَ مِن قَبْلُ قَدْ جَعَلَهَا رَبِّي حَقًّا ۖ وَقَدْ أَحْسَنَ بِي إِذْ أَخْرَجَنِي مِنَ السِّجْنِ وَجَاءَ بِكُم مِّنَ الْبَدْوِ مِن بَعْدِ أَن نَّزَغَ الشَّيْطَانُ بَيْنِي وَبَيْنَ إِخْوَتِي ۚ إِنَّ رَبِّي لَطِيفٌ لِّمَا يَشَاءُ ۚ إِنَّهُ هُوَ الْعَلِيمُ الْحَكِيمُ"
"And he raised his parents upon the throne, and they bowed to him in prostration. And he said, 'O my father, this is the explanation of my vision of before. My Lord has made it reality. And He was certainly good to me when He took me out of prison and brought you here from the desert after Satan had caused discord between me and my brothers. Indeed, my Lord is subtle in what He wills. Indeed, it is He who is the Knowing, the Wise.'" [Yusuf: 100]
How Did Satan Create Discord Between Prophet Yusuf (AS) and His Brothers?
Answer:Allah, the Most Exalted, states in the Quran:
"وَرَفَعَ أَبَوَيْهِ عَلَى الْعَرْشِ وَخَرُّوا لَهُ سُجَّدًا ۖ وَقَالَ يَا أَبَتِ هَٰذَا تَأْوِيلُ رُؤْيَايَ مِن قَبْلُ قَدْ جَعَلَهَا رَبِّي حَقًّا ۖ وَقَدْ أَحْسَنَ بِي إِذْ أَخْرَجَنِي مِنَ السِّجْنِ وَجَاءَ بِكُم مِّنَ الْبَدْوِ مِن بَعْدِ أَن نَّزَغَ الشَّيْطَانُ بَيْنِي وَبَيْنَ إِخْوَتِي ۚ إِنَّ رَبِّي لَطِيفٌ لِّمَا يَشَاءُ ۚ إِنَّهُ هُوَ الْعَلِيمُ الْحَكِيمُ"
"And he raised his parents upon the throne, and they bowed to him in prostration. And he said, 'O my father, this is the explanation of my vision of before. My Lord has made it reality. And He was certainly good to me when He took me out of prison and brought you here from the desert after Satan had caused discord between me and my brothers. Indeed, my Lord is subtle in what He wills. Indeed, it is He who is the Knowing, the Wise.'" [Yusuf: 100]
Explanation of Key Aspects
- "وَرَفَعَ أَبَوَيْهِ عَلَى الْعَرْشِ"
Prophet Yusuf (AS) honored his parents by seating them on his throne. The term “أَبَوَيْهِ” refers to his father, Yaqub (AS), and either his mother or his aunt, depending on different narrations. According to one opinion, his mother had already passed away, while another view holds that she was still alive. - "وَخَرُّوا لَهُ سُجَّدًا"
His parents and eleven brothers prostrated to him out of respect and gratitude. This act of prostration was permissible in their religious law as a gesture of honor, from the time of Adam (AS) to the Shariah of Isa (AS). However, it is prohibited in Islam, as prostration is reserved solely for Allah. - "هَٰذَا تَأْوِيلُ رُؤْيَايَ مِن قَبْلُ"
Yusuf (AS) referred to the fulfillment of the dream he had in his childhood, where he saw eleven stars, the sun, and the moon bowing to him. Allah had turned his vision into reality. - "مِن بَعْدِ أَن نَّزَغَ الشَّيْطَانُ بَيْنِي وَبَيْنَ إِخْوَتِي"
Yusuf (AS) acknowledged that the discord between him and his brothers was instigated by Satan, who fueled jealousy and enmity in their hearts. Despite this, Yusuf (AS) demonstrated forgiveness and understanding, attributing his reunion and their reconciliation to Allah’s wisdom and mercy. - "إِنَّ رَبِّي لَطِيفٌ لِّمَا يَشَاءُ"
Yusuf (AS) highlighted Allah’s subtle and meticulous planning. Allah orchestrated events in a way that not only fulfilled His will but also brought immense benefit to Yusuf (AS) and his family. - "إِنَّهُ هُوَ الْعَلِيمُ الْحَكِيمُ"
Allah is described as the All-Knowing and All-Wise, aware of His servants’ needs and bestowing His favors with perfect wisdom.
Lessons from This Incident
- Satan as an Instigator of Discord
Satan’s role in creating enmity is evident in the story. He exploits human emotions such as jealousy to lead people astray. - Forgiveness and Reconciliation
Prophet Yusuf (AS) forgave his brothers despite their grave wrongdoings. His humility and recognition of Allah’s wisdom teach us the importance of reconciliation. - Reliance on Allah’s Plan
Yusuf (AS)’s life exemplifies patience and trust in Allah’s plan, even during hardships like betrayal, imprisonment, and separation from his family. - Prostration as a Gesture of Honor
The act of prostration in earlier Shariah as a mark of respect is a reminder that rulings and practices are subject to change according to Allah’s divine wisdom. In Islam, prostration is exclusively for Allah.