Written by: Ghulam Mustafa Zaheer Ameenpuri
The Sunnah number of rak'ahs for Tarawih prayer is eight. This is evidenced by various sources, including prominent scholars from Darul Uloom Deoband. Here are some key references:
◈ Khalil Ahmad Saharanpuri Deobandi (d. 1346 AH) writes:"Ibn Hammam has written that eight rak'ahs are Sunnah and any additional ones are considered Mustahabb (recommended), so this statement is not objectionable."[Barahin-e-Qatiah: 18]
He further writes:"There is unanimous agreement that the Tarawih prayer consisting of eight rak'ahs is Sunnah Mu’akkadah, and if there is any difference, it is regarding the additional twelve rak'ahs."[Barahin-e-Qatiah: 195]
◈ Ashraf Ali Thanvi Deobandi (1362-1280 AH) mentions:"I advise the sick to pray eight rak'ahs of Tarawih, but I do not tell the healthy ones to do so."[Al-Kalam al-Hasan: 2/89]
◈ Abd al-Shakoor Farooqi Lakhnawi Deobandi (d. 1381 AH) writes:"Although eight rak'ahs of Tarawih are Sunnah as practiced by the Prophet (PBUH), a weak narration mentions twenty rak'ahs from Ibn Abbas."[Ilm-ul-Fiqh by Abd al-Shakoor Deobandi: 198]
"The Prophet (PBUH) did not exceed eleven rak'ahs in Ramadan or other months."[Sahih Bukhari: 1/154, Hadith: 1147; Sahih Muslim: 1/254, Hadith: 738]
Majority of scholars derive the eight rak'ahs of Tarawih from this Hadith. For instance:
◈ Imam Abu al-Abbas Ahmed bin Umar bin Ibrahim al-Qurtubi (d. 656 AH) writes:"There is a difference of opinion regarding the chosen number of rak'ahs for Qiyam (night prayer). Many scholars say it is eleven rak'ahs, based on the Hadith of Aisha (RA) mentioned earlier."[Al-Mufhim lima Ashkala min Talkhis Kitab Muslim: 2/389-390]
Explanation by Anwar Shah Kashmiri Deobandi:
"This narration is from the two Sahihs (Bukhari and Muslim), proving that the Prophet (PBUH) prayed eight rak'ahs for Tarawih. The narration of twenty rak'ahs in Sunan al-Kubra has a weak chain due to Abu Shaybah, who is unanimously considered weak. The practice of twenty rak'ahs is the Sunnah of the Rightly Guided Caliphs, and it is considered Marfu' (elevated) in ruling, even though we do not have a strong chain for it."
[Al-‘Arf al-Shadhi: 1/101]
This statement demonstrates that Shah Kashmiri supports the eight rak'ahs for Tarawih as mentioned in Sahih Muslim, acknowledging the weak status of the narration of twenty rak'ahs.
[Musnad Abi Ya’la: 2/326; Al-Mu’jam al-Saghir by Tabarani: 1/190; Fath al-Bari: 3/12]
This narration is supported by the fact that most of its narrators are trustworthy (Hasan al-Hadith). It has been classified as authentic by scholars such as Imam Ibn Khuzaymah [1070] and Imam Ibn Hibban [2409].
Imam Ibn Hibban [2550] declared this narration as Sahih, and Hafiz Haythami considered its chain to be Hasan (good) [Majma al-Zawaid: 742].
This statement aligns with the narration of Aisha (RA) from Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim, confirming that Umar bin Khattab (RA) commanded the leading of eight rak'ahs for Tarawih and three for Witr. This serves as evidence against those who advocate for twenty rak'ahs, claiming it to be a practice of Umar (RA).
Commentary by Allama Subki:
"This narration has the highest level of authenticity."[Sharh al-Minhaj as cited in Al-Hawi lil Fatawi: 1/350]
These evidences clearly establish that the Sunnah for Tarawih prayer is eight rak'ahs, as practiced by the Prophet (PBUH) and ordered by Umar bin Khattab (RA).
This narration is fabricated as it includes Abu Shaybah Ibrahim bin Uthman, who is considered "Matruk al-Hadith" (abandoned in hadith) and "Kadhab" (liar). The majority have declared him weak.
◈ Imam Zayla'i Hanafi writes:"This narration is flawed due to Abu Shaybah Ibrahim bin Uthman, who is unanimously weak. Ibn Adi mentioned him in Al-Kamil as weak. Moreover, it contradicts the authentic hadith of Aisha (RA) stating that the Prophet (PBUH) did not exceed eleven rak'ahs in Ramadan or otherwise."
[Nasb al-Raya: 2/153]
Anwar Shah Kashmiri Deobandi:
"The Prophet (PBUH) is authentically proven to have prayed eight rak'ahs of Tarawih, and the narration of twenty rak'ahs is weak and agreed upon as such."[Al-‘Arf al-Shadhi: 1/166]
◈ Abd al-Shakoor Farooqi Deobandi also declared it weak.[Ilm-ul-Fiqh: 198]
◈ Ibn Abidin Shami Hanafi (d. 1252) writes:
"This hadith is weak due to Abu Shaybah, who is unanimously weak, and it contradicts the authentic hadith of Aisha (RA)."[Minhat al-Khaliq: 2/66]
The same is stated by:
[Al-Masabih fi Salat al-Tarawih: 17]
Barelvi scholar Ahmad Yar Khan Gujarati, in his book [Jaa al-Haq: 2/243], quotes Imam Tirmidhi stating that "Ibrahim bin Uthman Abu Shaybah is denounced in hadith." However, in the appendix of the same book [1/447], he uses the same hadith as evidence for twenty rak'ahs of Tarawih, demonstrating a lack of consistency and integrity.
This narration is fabricated, involving Umar bin Harun al-Balkhi and Muhammad bin Humaid al-Razi, both of whom are "Matruk wa Kadhab" (abandoned and liars). Additionally, it contradicts the established practice of eight rak'ahs.
This narration lacks a chain of transmission in Kanz al-Ummal, making it unreliable. The religion is based on authentic chains of transmission, and without them, such narrations hold no value.
The words "twenty rak'ahs" are a distortion by Deobandis, as the original text in Sunan Abi Dawood states "twenty nights" instead of "twenty rak'ahs." The recently published edition of Sunan Abi Dawood by Muhammad ‘Awwamah confirms this with the original text being "twenty nights." This significant alteration highlights a lack of credibility.
Further examination reveals:
May Allah grant us the ability to understand and adhere to the Sunnah. Ameen!
Review of Arguments for Twenty Rak'ahs
We now present a scholarly and concise review of the arguments put forth by those who advocate twenty rak'ahs of Tarawih as Sunnah Mu’akkadah.
This narration is fabricated as it includes Abu Shaybah Ibrahim bin Uthman, who is considered "Matruk al-Hadith" (abandoned in hadith) and "Kadhab" (liar). The majority have declared him weak.
◈ Imam Zayla'i Hanafi writes:"This narration is flawed due to Abu Shaybah Ibrahim bin Uthman, who is unanimously weak. Ibn Adi mentioned him in Al-Kamil as weak. Moreover, it contradicts the authentic hadith of Aisha (RA) stating that the Prophet (PBUH) did not exceed eleven rak'ahs in Ramadan or otherwise."[Nasb al-Raya: 2/153]
Anwar Shah Kashmiri Deobandi:"The Prophet (PBUH) is authentically proven to have prayed eight rak'ahs of Tarawih, and the narration of twenty rak'ahs is weak and agreed upon as such."[Al-‘Arf al-Shadhi: 1/166]
◈ Abd al-Shakoor Farooqi Deobandi also declared it weak.[Ilm-ul-Fiqh: 198]
◈ Ibn Abidin Shami Hanafi (d. 1252) writes:"This hadith is weak due to Abu Shaybah, who is unanimously weak, and it contradicts the authentic hadith of Aisha (RA)."[Minhat al-Khaliq: 2/66]
The same is stated by:
Barelvi scholar Ahmad Yar Khan Gujarati, in his book [Jaa al-Haq: 2/243], quotes Imam Tirmidhi stating that "Ibrahim bin Uthman Abu Shaybah is denounced in hadith." However, in the appendix of the same book [1/447], he uses the same hadith as evidence for twenty rak'ahs of Tarawih, demonstrating a lack of consistency and integrity.
This narration is fabricated, involving Umar bin Harun al-Balkhi and Muhammad bin Humaid al-Razi, both of whom are "Matruk wa Kadhab" (abandoned and liars). Additionally, it contradicts the established practice of eight rak'ahs.
This narration lacks a chain of transmission in Kanz al-Ummal, making it unreliable. The religion is based on authentic chains of transmission, and without them, such narrations hold no value.
The words "twenty rak'ahs" are a distortion by Deobandis, as the original text in Sunan Abi Dawood states "twenty nights" instead of "twenty rak'ahs." The recently published edition of Sunan Abi Dawood by Muhammad ‘Awwamah confirms this with the original text being "twenty nights." This significant alteration highlights a lack of credibility.
Further examination reveals:
May Allah grant us the ability to understand and adhere to the Sunnah. Ameen!
The Sunnah number of rak'ahs for Tarawih prayer is eight. This is evidenced by various sources, including prominent scholars from Darul Uloom Deoband. Here are some key references:
Opinions of Deobandi Scholars
◈ Anwar Shah Kashmiri Deobandi, a renowned Sheikh-ul-Hadith of Darul Uloom Deoband, writes:"One cannot deny that the Tarawih prayer led by the Prophet (PBUH) was eight rak'ahs, and it has not been proven through any narration that he (PBUH) prayed Tahajjud and Tarawih separately in Ramadan."[Al-‘Arf al-Shadhi: 1/166]◈ Khalil Ahmad Saharanpuri Deobandi (d. 1346 AH) writes:"Ibn Hammam has written that eight rak'ahs are Sunnah and any additional ones are considered Mustahabb (recommended), so this statement is not objectionable."[Barahin-e-Qatiah: 18]
He further writes:"There is unanimous agreement that the Tarawih prayer consisting of eight rak'ahs is Sunnah Mu’akkadah, and if there is any difference, it is regarding the additional twelve rak'ahs."[Barahin-e-Qatiah: 195]
◈ Ashraf Ali Thanvi Deobandi (1362-1280 AH) mentions:"I advise the sick to pray eight rak'ahs of Tarawih, but I do not tell the healthy ones to do so."[Al-Kalam al-Hasan: 2/89]
◈ Abd al-Shakoor Farooqi Lakhnawi Deobandi (d. 1381 AH) writes:"Although eight rak'ahs of Tarawih are Sunnah as practiced by the Prophet (PBUH), a weak narration mentions twenty rak'ahs from Ibn Abbas."[Ilm-ul-Fiqh by Abd al-Shakoor Deobandi: 198]
Further References
This view is supported by:- Imam Ibn Hammam Hanafi [Fath al-Qadir: 1/468]
- Imam Aini Hanafi [Umdat al-Qari: 7/177]
- Imam Ibn Nujaym Hanafi [Al-Bahr al-Ra’iq: 2/66]
- Ibn Abidin Shami Hanafi [Radd al-Muhtar: 1/521]
- Abu al-Hasan Sharnilani Hanafi [Maraqi al-Falah: 224]
- Tahtawi Hanafi [Hashiyat al-Tahtawi ala al-Durr al-Mukhtar: 1/521]and others.
Evidence Supporting Eight Rak'ahs as Sunnah
Evidence 1
Abu Salama bin Abdul Rahman asked Ummul Mu'mineen Aisha (RA) about the night prayer of the Prophet (PBUH) during Ramadan. She replied:" ماكان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يزيد فى رمضان ولا فى غيره على احدي عشرة ركعة."
"The Prophet (PBUH) did not exceed eleven rak'ahs in Ramadan or other months."[Sahih Bukhari: 1/154, Hadith: 1147; Sahih Muslim: 1/254, Hadith: 738]
Majority of scholars derive the eight rak'ahs of Tarawih from this Hadith. For instance:
◈ Imam Abu al-Abbas Ahmed bin Umar bin Ibrahim al-Qurtubi (d. 656 AH) writes:"There is a difference of opinion regarding the chosen number of rak'ahs for Qiyam (night prayer). Many scholars say it is eleven rak'ahs, based on the Hadith of Aisha (RA) mentioned earlier."[Al-Mufhim lima Ashkala min Talkhis Kitab Muslim: 2/389-390]
Explanation by Anwar Shah Kashmiri Deobandi:
"This narration is from the two Sahihs (Bukhari and Muslim), proving that the Prophet (PBUH) prayed eight rak'ahs for Tarawih. The narration of twenty rak'ahs in Sunan al-Kubra has a weak chain due to Abu Shaybah, who is unanimously considered weak. The practice of twenty rak'ahs is the Sunnah of the Rightly Guided Caliphs, and it is considered Marfu' (elevated) in ruling, even though we do not have a strong chain for it."
[Al-‘Arf al-Shadhi: 1/101]
This statement demonstrates that Shah Kashmiri supports the eight rak'ahs for Tarawih as mentioned in Sahih Muslim, acknowledging the weak status of the narration of twenty rak'ahs.
Additional Evidence
Evidence 2
Jabir bin Abdullah (RA) narrates:"The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) led us in eight rak'ahs of Tarawih and then prayed Witr during the month of Ramadan."[Musnad Abi Ya’la: 2/326; Al-Mu’jam al-Saghir by Tabarani: 1/190; Fath al-Bari: 3/12]
This narration is supported by the fact that most of its narrators are trustworthy (Hasan al-Hadith). It has been classified as authentic by scholars such as Imam Ibn Khuzaymah [1070] and Imam Ibn Hibban [2409].
Evidence 3
Jabir bin Abdullah (RA) also narrates:"Ubayy bin Ka'b (RA) led the women of my household in eight rak'ahs of Tarawih and then prayed Witr."[Musnad Abi Ya’la: 2/362; Zawaid Musnad al-Imam Ahmed: 5/115; Al-Mu’jam al-Awsat by Tabarani: 4/141; Qiyam al-Layl by Marwazi: 217]Imam Ibn Hibban [2550] declared this narration as Sahih, and Hafiz Haythami considered its chain to be Hasan (good) [Majma al-Zawaid: 742].
Evidence 4
Saib bin Yazid (RA) states:"Umar bin Khattab (RA) ordered Ubayy bin Ka'b and Tamim al-Dari to lead the people in eleven rak'ahs (including Witr)."[Muwatta Imam Malik: 138; Sharh Ma’ani al-Athar by Tahawi: 1/293; Sunan al-Kubra by Bayhaqi: 2/496; Mishkat al-Masabih: 1/407]This statement aligns with the narration of Aisha (RA) from Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim, confirming that Umar bin Khattab (RA) commanded the leading of eight rak'ahs for Tarawih and three for Witr. This serves as evidence against those who advocate for twenty rak'ahs, claiming it to be a practice of Umar (RA).
Evidence 5
Saib bin Yazid (RA) narrates:"During the time of Umar bin Khattab (RA), we used to pray eleven rak'ahs (including Witr)."[Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaybah: 2/392-391; Tarikh al-Madina by Umar bin Shabba: 2/713]Evidence 6
Saib bin Yazid (RA) narrates:"We (the Companions) used to pray eleven rak'ahs (including Witr) during the time of Umar bin Khattab (RA)."[Sunan Sa’id bin Mansur as cited in Al-Hawi lil Fatawi by Suyuti: 1/349; Hashiyat Athar al-Sunan by Naysaburi: 250]Commentary by Allama Subki:
"This narration has the highest level of authenticity."[Sharh al-Minhaj as cited in Al-Hawi lil Fatawi: 1/350]
These evidences clearly establish that the Sunnah for Tarawih prayer is eight rak'ahs, as practiced by the Prophet (PBUH) and ordered by Umar bin Khattab (RA).
Examination of the Arguments for Twenty Rak'ahs
We now present a scholarly and concise review of the arguments put forth by those who advocate twenty rak'ahs of Tarawih as Sunnah Mu’akkadah.Argument 1
"Abdullah bin Abbas (RA) narrates that the Prophet (PBUH) prayed twenty rak'ahs of Tarawih and Witr during Ramadan."[Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaybah: 2/294; Sunan al-Kubra by Bayhaqi: 2/496; Al-Mu’jam al-Kabir by Tabarani: 11/393]Commentary:
This narration is fabricated as it includes Abu Shaybah Ibrahim bin Uthman, who is considered "Matruk al-Hadith" (abandoned in hadith) and "Kadhab" (liar). The majority have declared him weak.
◈ Imam Zayla'i Hanafi writes:"This narration is flawed due to Abu Shaybah Ibrahim bin Uthman, who is unanimously weak. Ibn Adi mentioned him in Al-Kamil as weak. Moreover, it contradicts the authentic hadith of Aisha (RA) stating that the Prophet (PBUH) did not exceed eleven rak'ahs in Ramadan or otherwise."
[Nasb al-Raya: 2/153]
Anwar Shah Kashmiri Deobandi:
"The Prophet (PBUH) is authentically proven to have prayed eight rak'ahs of Tarawih, and the narration of twenty rak'ahs is weak and agreed upon as such."[Al-‘Arf al-Shadhi: 1/166]
◈ Abd al-Shakoor Farooqi Deobandi also declared it weak.[Ilm-ul-Fiqh: 198]
◈ Ibn Abidin Shami Hanafi (d. 1252) writes:
"This hadith is weak due to Abu Shaybah, who is unanimously weak, and it contradicts the authentic hadith of Aisha (RA)."[Minhat al-Khaliq: 2/66]
The same is stated by:
- Imam Ibn Hammam Hanafi [Fath al-Qadir: 1/468]
- Imam Aini Hanafi [Umdat al-Qari: 11/128]
[Al-Masabih fi Salat al-Tarawih: 17]
Barelvi scholar Ahmad Yar Khan Gujarati, in his book [Jaa al-Haq: 2/243], quotes Imam Tirmidhi stating that "Ibrahim bin Uthman Abu Shaybah is denounced in hadith." However, in the appendix of the same book [1/447], he uses the same hadith as evidence for twenty rak'ahs of Tarawih, demonstrating a lack of consistency and integrity.
Argument 2
Jabir (RA) narrates that the Prophet (PBUH) led the companions in twenty-four rak'ahs and three rak'ahs of Witr one night during Ramadan.[Tarikh Jurjan by Abu Qasim Hamza bin Yusuf al-Sahmi: 275]Commentary:
This narration is fabricated, involving Umar bin Harun al-Balkhi and Muhammad bin Humaid al-Razi, both of whom are "Matruk wa Kadhab" (abandoned and liars). Additionally, it contradicts the established practice of eight rak'ahs.
Argument 3
Ubayy bin Ka'b (RA) was instructed by Umar (RA) to lead the people in prayer during Ramadan, reciting the Quran to them at night. Ubayy led them in twenty rak'ahs of Tarawih.[Kanz al-Ummal: 4098]Commentary:
This narration lacks a chain of transmission in Kanz al-Ummal, making it unreliable. The religion is based on authentic chains of transmission, and without them, such narrations hold no value.
Argument 4
Hasan al-Basri narrates that Umar bin Khattab (RA) gathered the people behind Ubayy bin Ka'b, who led them in twenty rak'ahs of Tarawih.[Sunan Abi Dawood, Siyar A’lam al-Nubala: 10/400, Jami’ al-Masanid wa al-Sunan by Ibn Kathir: 1/55]Commentary:
The words "twenty rak'ahs" are a distortion by Deobandis, as the original text in Sunan Abi Dawood states "twenty nights" instead of "twenty rak'ahs." The recently published edition of Sunan Abi Dawood by Muhammad ‘Awwamah confirms this with the original text being "twenty nights." This significant alteration highlights a lack of credibility.
Further examination reveals:
- Imam Bayhaqi states: "Yazid bin Ruman did not meet Umar bin Khattab."[Nasb al-Raya: 2/163]
The above evidence conclusively proves that eight rak'ahs of Tarawih are the Sunnah established by the Prophet (PBUH). Umar bin Khattab (RA) also instructed to pray eleven rak'ahs (including Witr), aligning with the Sunnah. Claims of twenty rak'ahs being Sunnah Mu’akkadah are unfounded and based on weak or fabricated narrations.May Allah grant us the ability to understand and adhere to the Sunnah. Ameen!
Review of Arguments for Twenty Rak'ahs
We now present a scholarly and concise review of the arguments put forth by those who advocate twenty rak'ahs of Tarawih as Sunnah Mu’akkadah.
Argument 1
"Abdullah bin Abbas (RA) narrates that the Prophet (PBUH) prayed twenty rak'ahs of Tarawih and Witr during Ramadan."[Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaybah: 2/294; Sunan al-Kubra by Bayhaqi: 2/496; Al-Mu’jam al-Kabir by Tabarani: 11/393]Commentary:
This narration is fabricated as it includes Abu Shaybah Ibrahim bin Uthman, who is considered "Matruk al-Hadith" (abandoned in hadith) and "Kadhab" (liar). The majority have declared him weak.
◈ Imam Zayla'i Hanafi writes:"This narration is flawed due to Abu Shaybah Ibrahim bin Uthman, who is unanimously weak. Ibn Adi mentioned him in Al-Kamil as weak. Moreover, it contradicts the authentic hadith of Aisha (RA) stating that the Prophet (PBUH) did not exceed eleven rak'ahs in Ramadan or otherwise."[Nasb al-Raya: 2/153]
Anwar Shah Kashmiri Deobandi:"The Prophet (PBUH) is authentically proven to have prayed eight rak'ahs of Tarawih, and the narration of twenty rak'ahs is weak and agreed upon as such."[Al-‘Arf al-Shadhi: 1/166]
◈ Abd al-Shakoor Farooqi Deobandi also declared it weak.[Ilm-ul-Fiqh: 198]
◈ Ibn Abidin Shami Hanafi (d. 1252) writes:"This hadith is weak due to Abu Shaybah, who is unanimously weak, and it contradicts the authentic hadith of Aisha (RA)."[Minhat al-Khaliq: 2/66]
The same is stated by:
- Imam Ibn Hammam Hanafi [Fath al-Qadir: 1/468]
- Imam Aini Hanafi [Umdat al-Qari: 11/128]
Barelvi scholar Ahmad Yar Khan Gujarati, in his book [Jaa al-Haq: 2/243], quotes Imam Tirmidhi stating that "Ibrahim bin Uthman Abu Shaybah is denounced in hadith." However, in the appendix of the same book [1/447], he uses the same hadith as evidence for twenty rak'ahs of Tarawih, demonstrating a lack of consistency and integrity.
Argument 2
Jabir (RA) narrates that the Prophet (PBUH) led the companions in twenty-four rak'ahs and three rak'ahs of Witr one night during Ramadan.[Tarikh Jurjan by Abu Qasim Hamza bin Yusuf al-Sahmi: 275]Commentary:
This narration is fabricated, involving Umar bin Harun al-Balkhi and Muhammad bin Humaid al-Razi, both of whom are "Matruk wa Kadhab" (abandoned and liars). Additionally, it contradicts the established practice of eight rak'ahs.
Argument 3
Ubayy bin Ka'b (RA) was instructed by Umar (RA) to lead the people in prayer during Ramadan, reciting the Quran to them at night. Ubayy led them in twenty rak'ahs of Tarawih.[Kanz al-Ummal: 4098]Commentary:
This narration lacks a chain of transmission in Kanz al-Ummal, making it unreliable. The religion is based on authentic chains of transmission, and without them, such narrations hold no value.
Argument 4
Hasan al-Basri narrates that Umar bin Khattab (RA) gathered the people behind Ubayy bin Ka'b, who led them in twenty rak'ahs of Tarawih.[Sunan Abi Dawood, Siyar A’lam al-Nubala: 10/400, Jami’ al-Masanid wa al-Sunan by Ibn Kathir: 1/55]Commentary:
The words "twenty rak'ahs" are a distortion by Deobandis, as the original text in Sunan Abi Dawood states "twenty nights" instead of "twenty rak'ahs." The recently published edition of Sunan Abi Dawood by Muhammad ‘Awwamah confirms this with the original text being "twenty nights." This significant alteration highlights a lack of credibility.
Further examination reveals:
- Imam Bayhaqi states: "Yazid bin Ruman did not meet Umar bin Khattab."[Nasb al-Raya: 2/163]
The above evidence conclusively proves that eight rak'ahs of Tarawih are the Sunnah established by the Prophet (PBUH). Umar bin Khattab (RA) also instructed to pray eleven rak'ahs (including Witr), aligning with the Sunnah. Claims of twenty rak'ahs being Sunnah Mu’akkadah are unfounded and based on weak or fabricated narrations.May Allah grant us the ability to understand and adhere to the Sunnah. Ameen!