The Importance of Dhikr (Remembrance of Allah) in Repelling Shaytan

Authored by: Dr. Rida Abdullah Pasha (Hafizahullah)

The Power of​

Allah Almighty says in the Quran:

"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest."
[Surah Ar-Ra’d (13:28)]
This verse highlights the transformative power of dhikr (remembrance of Allah) in providing peace and tranquility to the heart. If dhikr carried only this one benefit, it would be sufficient motivation for every believer to engage in it constantly. However, dhikr offers much more, including protection from Shaytan.

Protection from Shaytan Through​

  1. Shaytan’s Weakness in the Face of Dhikr:
    • Shaytan can only infiltrate the hearts and minds of those who are heedless of Allah.
    • When a person remembers Allah, Shaytan is repelled and loses his influence. As Ibn Al-Qayyim (RA) writes:
      "A person can only protect himself from his enemy (Shaytan) through dhikr. Shaytan waits in ambush for the heedless, attacking when the person becomes negligent and seizing control over him."
      [Al-Wabil As-Sayyib, p. 50]
  2. Dhikr as a Fortress Against Shaytan:
    • Dhikr serves as a spiritual shield, safeguarding a believer from the whispers and traps of Shaytan.
    • It creates an impenetrable barrier that Shaytan cannot cross.

Practical Steps for Effective​

  1. Morning and Evening Supplications:
    • Reciting the morning (adhkar sabah) and evening (adhkar masa) supplications protects from Shaytan throughout the day.
  2. Quran Recitation:
    • Frequent recitation of the Quran, particularly Surah Al-Baqarah, drives Shaytan away from the home and the heart.
  3. Specific Supplications Against Shaytan:
    • Saying “A’udhu Billahi Minash Shaytanir Rajeem” (I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Shaytan) is highly effective in warding off his whispers.
  4. Consistency in Salah:
    • Regular and focused prayer strengthens a person’s connection with Allah and weakens Shaytan’s influence.
  5. Avoiding Negligence:
    • Shaytan capitalizes on moments of heedlessness, so a believer should strive to keep their tongue moist with dhikr and their heart connected to Allah.

Benefits of​

  • Inner Peace: It calms the heart and provides spiritual tranquility.
  • Divine Protection: It serves as a shield against Shaytan's influence.
  • Strengthened Faith: It reinforces the believer’s reliance on Allah and keeps the heart aligned with divine guidance.


The remembrance of Allah (dhikr) is an essential and highly effective tool in repelling Shaytan. By engaging in regular dhikr, a believer not only attains peace and tranquility but also builds a spiritual fortress that Shaytan cannot penetrate. The more a believer engages in dhikr, the less opportunity Shaytan has to mislead and harm them.