The Concept of Righteousness and Maintaining Family Ties

Written by: Fadilat al-Sheikh Abdul Salam bin Muhammad (may Allah protect him)

Righteousness (Birr)
With a kasrah on the letter "Bā," birr refers to performing abundant good deeds, truthfulness, obedience, and treating others well, especially one's parents. In general, treating parents kindly is referred to as birr.

When the letter "Bā" is pronounced with a fathah (i.e., barr), it refers to someone who performs excessive goodness, and this is one of Allah’s attributes, as He is the one who shows immense kindness and generosity to His creation.

Concerning Prophet Yahya (John) (peace be upon him), it is mentioned:
"And [he was] dutiful to his parents."
[Surah Maryam: 14]
This highlights the importance of treating one's parents with exceptional kindness. On the contrary, mistreating or causing harm, especially to parents, is termed ‘uquq (disobedience), and the one who engages in such behavior is called ‘āq (disobedient).

Maintaining Family Ties (Silat-ur-Rahm):
The word silah comes from the root word wāsal (وصَلَ), which means to join, connect, or attach, just as the source for wa‘ada (وَعَدَ) is wa‘dan (وَعْدًا) or ‘idah (عِدَةً). Linguistically, it refers to connecting or maintaining bonds. In this context, it refers to maintaining good relations with one's relatives, providing for them, and interacting with them kindly, even if they are distant or indifferent. The opposite of silat-ur-rahm is qat‘ ur-rahm (cutting off family ties).

This emphasizes the virtue of maintaining strong and healthy relationships with relatives, even when they are neglectful, and the importance of continuing to do good towards them.