Hadith of Aisha (RA)
Muslim narrates from Aisha (RA) that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said:“Ten things are part of natural disposition (Fitrah):
Trimming the mustache,
Growing the beard,
Using the miswak (tooth-stick),
Inhaling water into the nose,
Washing the finger joints,
Clipping the nails,
Plucking the armpit hair,
Shaving the pubic hair,
Reducing the use of water,
(Zakariya said: Mus'ab mentioned that he forgot the tenth one, but it might be rinsing the mouth).
Waki‘ added that ‘reducing the use of water’ means performing istinja (cleaning after relieving oneself).”
[Sahih Muslim: 261]
Hadith of Anas (RA)
Anas (RA) narrated:"A time limit was set for us regarding trimming the mustache, clipping the nails, plucking the armpit hair, and shaving the pubic hair—that we should not leave them for more than forty nights."
[Sahih Muslim: 258]
Hadith of Ibn Umar (RA)
Abdullah ibn Umar (RA) reported that the Prophet (ﷺ) forbade "Qaza‘" (shaving parts of a child’s head while leaving some hair unshaved).Ubaidullah said, "I asked Nafi‘: ‘What is Qaza‘?’ He replied: ‘It is when part of a child’s head is shaved, and some is left unshaved.’"
[Bukhari: 5921 | Muslim: 2120]
Hadith of Abu Hurairah (RA)
Abu Hurairah (RA) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said:"Prophet Ibrahim (AS) performed circumcision when he was eighty years old using a tool called ‘Qadum’ (a carpenter’s adze)."
[Bukhari: 3356, 6298 | Muslim: 2370]
Key Lessons and Benefits
The ten acts of Fitrah include:Trimming the mustache
Growing the beard
Using the miswak
Inhaling water into the nose
Washing the finger joints
Clipping the nails
Plucking the armpit hair
Shaving the pubic hair
Performing istinja (cleaning after relieving oneself)
Rinsing the mouth
Guidelines for Mustaches & Hair:
- Mustaches should be trimmed, not completely shaved off because the word used in the hadith is “قصّ” (trimming) and not “حلق” (shaving).
- Mustaches and other hair should not be left untrimmed for more than forty days.
- The hair on the head should be evenly cut, not partially shaved and partially left, as is common in modern Western-style haircuts, which contradict the hadith.
- The circumcision of Prophet Ibrahim (AS) at eighty years old highlights that this practice is a tradition of Prophet Ibrahim (AS).
- Plucking the armpit hair is a Sunnah, though many neglect this today.
- Shaving pubic hair with a razor or hair removal powder is permissible.
- Leaving all body hair untrimmed is a practice of the Sikhs, but in Islam, it is part of the natural disposition to maintain personal hygiene.
- A Muslim is recognized by their beard, armpit hair, and pubic hair maintenance. These natural aspects distinguish a mature Muslim from non-Muslims.
- Prophet Ibrahim (AS) circumcised himself with a Qadum (a carpenter’s adze) at eighty years old upon Allah’s command.
- This proves circumcision is a Sunnah of Prophet Ibrahim (AS) and a practice upheld in Islam.

This content is derived from "Dhiya al-Islam fi Sharh al-Imam bi-Ahadith al-Ahkam" by Sheikh Taqi al-Din Abi al-Fath, translated by Maulana Mahmood Ahmad Ghaznfar.