Sprinkling Water on the Private Parts After Wudu

Authored by: Shaykh Mubashir Ahmad Rabbani (حفظه الله)


What is the ruling on sprinkling water on the private parts after performing Wudu?


Sprinkling water on the private parts after Wudu is permissible and legitimate in Shariah, as it helps to dispel satanic whispers (waswas). A Hadith confirms this practice:


"When the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) would perform Wudu after urinating, he would sprinkle water on his private parts."
– (Sunan Abu Dawood, Kitab al-Taharah, Bab fi al-Intidah: 166; Al-Hakim, 1/171)

Imam Al-Hakim and Imam Al-Dhahabi have classified this narration as authentic according to the criteria of Bukhari and Muslim.

Another narration in Sunan Al-Nasa’i mentions:

"I saw the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) perform Wudu and sprinkle water on his private parts."

– (Sunan Al-Nasa’i, Kitab al-Taharah, Bab al-Nadh: 135)

Ibn Abbas (رضي الله عنهما) narrated that a man complained to him about feeling moisture on his private part during Salah (prayer). Ibn Abbas advised him:

"May Allah curse Shaytan! He touches a man’s private parts during prayer to make him think that he has nullified his Wudu. When you perform Wudu, sprinkle water on your private parts. If you feel anything (wetness), tell yourself it is the water (you sprinkled). The man did this and his doubts went away."

– (Abdul Razzaq, 1/151, 583; Ibn Abi Shaybah, 1/193)

Furthermore, Nafi reported:

"Ibn Umar (رضي الله عنهما) used to sprinkle water on his private parts after performing Wudu."

– (Ibn Abi Shaybah, 1/193)

Dawood bin Qais narrated that he asked Muhammad bin Ka'b Al-Qurazi about what to do when feeling wetness after performing Wudu, to which he replied:

"After completing Wudu, sprinkle water on your private parts. If any doubt comes to you later, know that it is from the water you sprinkled. Shaytan will not leave you alone until he comes to you and troubles you."

– (Abdul Razzaq, 1/152)

Based on the above-mentioned Hadith and narrations from the Sahabah (Companions of the Prophet), it is proven that sprinkling water on the private parts after Wudu, especially to ward off satanic whispers, is permissible and encouraged in Shariah.