Signs of a Hypocrite

Written by: Fadheelat Ash-Sheikh Hafiz Abdul Sattar Al-Hammad (may Allah preserve him)


The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said:

"The signs of a hypocrite are three: when he speaks, he lies; when he makes a promise, he breaks it; and when he is entrusted with something, he betrays that trust." [Sahih Bukhari, Book of Faith: 33]


The meaning of hypocrisy (nifaq) is the difference between one's outward appearance and inward reality. The word "nifaq" is derived from the word nâfiqâ, which refers to the hidden entrance of a burrowing animal's hole, disguised to look like part of the ground. Similarly, a hypocrite outwardly appears to be Muslim but internally has no connection to Islam. This deception is merely to mislead others.

Regarding hypocrites, Allah Almighty says:

"When they come to you, they say, 'We believe.' But they enter with disbelief and leave with it, and Allah knows what they were concealing." [Al-Ma'idah 5:61]

In reality, hypocrisy is the pinnacle of disbelief, as it involves not only disbelieving in Allah but also deceiving the Muslims. This is why the punishment for hypocrites is more severe than for regular disbelievers. Allah says:

"Indeed, the hypocrites will be in the lowest depths of the Fire." [An-Nisa 4:145]

Types of Hypocrisy:​

There are two types of hypocrisy:

  1. Hypocrisy of Faith and Belief (Nifaq Imani): This is the worst form of disbelief and can only be identified through divine revelation. It involves having no real faith while pretending to believe.
  2. Hypocrisy in Actions (Nifaq 'Amali): This refers to the hypocrisy of conduct and behavior, which is the type mentioned in the Hadith above.
In another Hadith, four signs of a hypocrite are mentioned:
"There are four characteristics, and anyone who possesses all of them is a complete hypocrite. If someone has one of these characteristics, they have a trait of hypocrisy until they give it up: when entrusted, they betray; when they speak, they lie; when they make a promise, they break it; and when they argue, they behave in a rude or inappropriate manner." [Sahih Bukhari, Book of Faith: 34]

Thus, in total, there are five signs of hypocrisy: lying, betrayal, breaking promises, breaking agreements, and using foul or inappropriate language.