Ruling on Employing a Non-Muslim Domestic Worker

Fatwa by: Former Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, Sheikh Ibn Baz (may Allah have mercy on him)


I applied to the relevant authorities for hiring a domestic worker, but I was informed that it is impossible to find a Muslim domestic worker from the country I am interested in. Is it permissible for me to bring a non-Muslim domestic worker?


It is not permissible to bring a non-Muslim domestic worker, whether male or female, into the Arabian Peninsula. Similarly, employing non-Muslim laborers in the Arabian Peninsula is also prohibited. This ruling is based on the command of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), who ordered the expulsion of Jews and Christians from the Arabian Peninsula. At the time of his death, the Prophet (peace be upon him) instructed that all polytheists be removed from the Arabian Peninsula.

Additionally, bringing non-Muslim men and women into this region poses potential risks to the beliefs, practices, and upbringing of Muslims and their children. Therefore, to adhere to the obedience of Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him), and to eliminate the root cause of potential fitnah (temptation) and corruption, it is essential to prevent the entry of non-Muslims into the Arabian Peninsula.