Dr. Abu Jabir Abdullah Damanvi
The deniers of the punishment of the grave have now openly rejected the clear and explicit Hadiths related to the punishment of the grave. By denying these authentic Hadiths, they have crossed the boundaries of disbelief. Just as the echoes of their disbelief were resounding, they introduced another new belief: the createdness of the Quran, i.e., that the Holy Quran is not the speech of Allah but a creation. This belief was adopted out of enmity towards Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal (may Allah have mercy on him). The elucidation of this belief will clearly reveal who the real disbeliever is, whether it is Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal (may Allah have mercy on him) or the deniers of the punishment of the grave.
In this regard, one such denier of the punishment of the grave and a fierce enemy of Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal, Abu Anwar Gadoon, expressed his vile belief regarding the Quran in the following words:
"The issue of the createdness of the Quran was an unnecessary and secondary issue, which was made a fundamental issue of Islam under a conspiracy. Consequently, those who considered the Quran as created or remained silent on this unnecessary matter started being declared disbelievers. The general understanding is that the Quran present in the world is written on paper or leather, and since paper, leather, and ink are creations, therefore, the Quran written and made of these materials in the world will also be a creation, which can burn in fire or dissolve in water. However, the Quran written on the Preserved Tablet is safe with Allah and will neither be erased nor perish. Furthermore, swearing by the Quran is forbidden because an oath can only be taken by Allah (the Creator) and not by the creation."
(Dawat-e-Quran aur Yeh Firqa Parasti, p. 120)
You have observed his research or rather his nonsense. According to him:
Abu Anwar Gadoon explains why he accepts the Quran in these words:
"Similarly, we accept the Holy Quran as the Book of Allah because of what people say, and it is an entirely true book."
(Hablullah, p. 14, Majallah No. 11)
This is his belief about the Holy Quran, that he considers it the Book of Allah not because Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him) said so, but because of what people say. This is the excellent belief of Dr. Usmani's brilliant student, and this is their distinguished belief!!!!! Allah Almighty will continue to disgrace and humiliate the enemies of the noble Hadith scholars (who are the friends of Allah). Indeed, Allah Almighty will further disgrace the enemies of the noble Hadith scholars. This is known as the reverse flow of the Ganges. May Allah not grant anyone such a twisted mind as he has, because he has a habit of deriving wrong conclusions from every correct statement. Like his teacher, he has a habit of only seeing the dark side of every matter.
The issue of the createdness of the Quran was an extremely important and fundamental issue in the eyes of the people of truth. Those whom he has labeled as enemies of Islam and conspirators were actually the people of truth, i.e., the noble Hadith scholars and the righteous predecessors. Since he holds the beliefs of the Jahmiyyah, he considers the people of truth as enemies of Islam and conspirators, whereas the reality is the opposite. On the Day of Judgment, Allah Almighty will severely punish such oppressors. Allah Almighty says: "And those who have wronged are going to know to what [kind of] return they will be returned."
(Quran 26:227)
Thus, he writes:
"The enemies of Islam, conspiratorial elements, were looking for an opportunity to spread false beliefs and grave worship among Muslims. They found this opportunity when they raised the unnecessary and mystic issue of the createdness of the Quran among Muslims, starting this philosophical debate on whether the Quran is created or not. Among those affected by this philosophical nitpicking and the resulting logical and theological debate was Ahmad bin Hanbal (may Allah have mercy on him), who led the opposition against the createdness of the Quran." (p. 120)
Someone has rightly said: "What nonsense I am uttering in my madness, may God make someone understand!"
In summary: Indeed, the curse of Allah is upon the liars. (Quran 3:61)
By declaring the Quran as created, Abu Anwar Gadoon has denied its status as the speech of Allah, and this belief was also held by the polytheists of Mecca, who vehemently propagated that the Quran was fabricated by Muhammad (peace be upon him), meaning it was created. This person and his supporters, out of enmity towards Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal (may Allah have mercy on him), have gone so far as to align themselves with those who label others as disbelievers and polytheists and have ended up standing among their ranks. The disgraceful end of the enemies of Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal (may Allah have mercy on him) is now before the world, and Allah continues to humiliate those who bear enmity towards His friends. So, take heed, O people of insight.
Here are some verses from the Holy Quran related to this matter:
Translation of the Verses:
"And when We substitute one verse in place of another - and Allah knows best what He reveals - they say, 'You are but an inventor [of lies].' But most of them do not know. Say, [O Muhammad], 'The Pure Spirit has brought it down from your Lord in truth to make firm those who believe and as guidance and good tidings to the Muslims.' And We certainly know that they say, 'It is only a human being who teaches him.' The tongue of the one they refer to is foreign, and this [recitation] is in a clear Arabic language. Indeed, those who do not believe in the verses of Allah - Allah will not guide them, and for them is a painful punishment. They only invent falsehood who do not believe in the verses of Allah, and it is those who are the liars."
(An-Nahl: 101-105)
It is evident that the polytheists of Mecca did not accept the Holy Quran as the speech of Allah but rather as the speech of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him). They also accused him of being taught by a non-Arab. Another verse states:
"And when Our clear verses are recited to them, those who do not expect to meet Us say, 'Bring us a Quran other than this or change it.' Say [O Muhammad], 'It is not for me to change it on my own accord. I only follow what is revealed to me. Indeed, I fear, if I should disobey my Lord, the punishment of a tremendous Day.' Say, 'If Allah had willed, I would not have recited it to you, nor would He have made it known to you. For I had stayed among you a lifetime before it. Then will you not reason?' So who is more unjust than one who invents a lie about Allah or denies His verses? Indeed, the wrongdoers will not succeed."
(Yunus: 15-17)
This means that I have spent a significant portion of my life among you, and if this Quran was my own creation, I would have recited it to you earlier. But now you are accusing me of fabricating this Quran. Further in Surah Yunus, it is stated:
"And it was not [possible] for this Quran to be produced by other than Allah, but [it is] a confirmation of what was before it and a detailed explanation of the [former] Scripture, about which there is no doubt, from the Lord of the worlds. Or do they say [about the Prophet], 'He invented it?' Say, 'Then bring forth a surah like it and call upon [for assistance] whomever you can besides Allah, if you should be truthful.' But they have denied that which they encompass not in knowledge and whose interpretation has not yet come to them. Thus did those before them deny. Then observe how was the end of the wrongdoers."
(Yunus: 37-39)
Allah Almighty mentions the collective attitude of the polytheists of Mecca towards the Holy Quran, highlighting their disbelief and rejection of it as the speech of Allah, while also providing a detailed account of the chief of Mecca, Walid bin Mughira. His arrogance, denial, and contempt are described, along with his superficial consideration and external display. Allah records his statement:
"And he said, 'This is not but magic imitated [from others]. This is not but the word of a human being.'"
(Al-Muddaththir: 24-25)
The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) could never have conceived of fabricating the Quran. Allah Almighty states:
"And it is not the word of a poet; little do you believe. Nor the word of a soothsayer; little do you remember. [It is] a revelation from the Lord of the worlds. And if he had made up about Us some [false] sayings, We would have seized him by the right hand; then We would have cut from him the aorta. And there is no one of you who could prevent [Us] from him. And indeed, it is a reminder for the righteous. And indeed, We know that among you are deniers. And indeed, it will be [a cause of] regret upon the disbelievers. And indeed, it is the truth of certainty. So exalt the name of your Lord, the Most Great."
(Al-Haqqah: 41-52)
The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) would not speak on his own accord without divine revelation:
"Nor does he speak from [his own] inclination. It is not but a revelation revealed."
(An-Najm: 3-4)
Another verse states:
"And if any one of the polytheists seeks your protection, then grant him protection so that he may hear the words of Allah. Then deliver him to his place of safety. That is because they are a people who do not know."
(At-Tawbah: 6)
Although the recitation of the Quran is done by humans, Allah still refers to it as His speech. One of the names of the Quran is "Al-Kitab" (The Book), and a book means "written text." Even though ink, paper, leather, bones, etc., are creations, when the Quran takes the form of a book, it becomes "the Book of Allah." As Allah says:
"Have you not seen those who were given a portion of the Book? They are invited to the Book of Allah that it should arbitrate between them; then a party of them turns away, and they are refusing."
(Al-Imran: 23)
Allah Almighty has said:
"This is the Book about which there is no doubt."
(Al-Baqarah: 2)
That is, there is no doubt that this book, the Quran, is "the speech of Allah." Although Abu Anwar Gadoon doubts it being "the speech of Allah" or "the Book of Allah."
For further details, refer to the author's book "Dawat-e-Quran ke Naam par Quran wa Hadith se Inhiraf." No person from the followers of Islam can ever imagine that the Holy Quran is not the speech of Allah but a creation. This is why the entire Ummah is in agreement that the Holy Quran is the speech of Allah and not created. Whoever says that the Holy Quran is created is out of the fold of Islam and a disbeliever.
From the detailed explanation of these verses, it becomes absolutely clear that the belief that the Holy Quran is not the speech of Allah but a creation is the belief of the polytheists of Mecca. This belief was later adopted by the Jahmiyyah and then the Mu'tazilah sect. Following their example, Abu Anwar Gadoon also adopted this belief, making him a companion and equal of the polytheists of Mecca. Due to his enmity towards Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal (may Allah have mercy on him) and the noble Hadith scholars, Allah has made him and his Usmani party equal to the polytheists of Mecca and deniers of the truth. The following statement of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has proved to be entirely correct in this case:
"Whoever calls his Muslim brother a disbeliever or an enemy of Allah and he is not like that, this statement returns to the one who said it."
(Bukhari: 6104 and Muslim: 60/111, quoted in Mishkat al-Masabih p. 411 H 4815)
And this is now evident. Further details on this issue can be found in the following verses: Yusuf: 111, Hud: 13, 35, Al-Anbiya: 5, Al-Furqan: 4, As-Sajda: 3, Al-Ahqaf: 8.
Imam Sufyan bin 'Uyainah (may Allah have mercy on him) said:
"I have found our teachers for seventy years, including 'Amr bin Dinar, saying: The Quran is the speech of Allah and not a creation."
(Khalq Afaal al-Ibad by Bukhari p. 7 H 1, with an authentic chain, Tarikh al-Kabir by Bukhari 2/338 T 2666 with an authentic chain)
The following Hadith scholars considered the Holy Quran to be the speech of Allah and not created. They considered anyone who said the Quran was created to be a disbeliever and a heretic.
Dr. Abu Jabir Abdullah Damanvi
The deniers of the punishment of the grave have now openly rejected the clear and explicit Hadiths related to the punishment of the grave. By denying these authentic Hadiths, they have crossed the boundaries of disbelief. Just as the echoes of their disbelief were resounding, they introduced another new belief: the createdness of the Quran, i.e., that the Holy Quran is not the speech of Allah but a creation. This belief was adopted out of enmity towards Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal (may Allah have mercy on him). The elucidation of this belief will clearly reveal who the real disbeliever is, whether it is Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal (may Allah have mercy on him) or the deniers of the punishment of the grave.
In this regard, one such denier of the punishment of the grave and a fierce enemy of Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal, Abu Anwar Gadoon, expressed his vile belief regarding the Quran in the following words:
"The issue of the createdness of the Quran was an unnecessary and secondary issue, which was made a fundamental issue of Islam under a conspiracy. Consequently, those who considered the Quran as created or remained silent on this unnecessary matter started being declared disbelievers. The general understanding is that the Quran present in the world is written on paper or leather, and since paper, leather, and ink are creations, therefore, the Quran written and made of these materials in the world will also be a creation, which can burn in fire or dissolve in water. However, the Quran written on the Preserved Tablet is safe with Allah and will neither be erased nor perish. Furthermore, swearing by the Quran is forbidden because an oath can only be taken by Allah (the Creator) and not by the creation."
(Dawat-e-Quran aur Yeh Firqa Parasti, p. 120)
You have observed his research or rather his nonsense. According to him:
- The issue of the createdness of the Quran is unnecessary and secondary.
- This issue was made a fundamental issue of Islam under a conspiracy.
- These conspiratorial elements declared those who considered the Quran as created as disbelievers.
- The Quran sent in the world is created and accidental (God forbid), whereas the Quran with Allah will remain forever. He believes that there are two Qurans, one in the world and the other on the Preserved Tablet. According to him, the ink, paper, etc., in the world are creations, but the Preserved Tablet is not a creation. Thus, he also holds the Shia-like belief of two Qurans. Allama Dhahabi (may Allah have mercy on him) states:
Abu Anwar Gadoon explains why he accepts the Quran in these words:
"Similarly, we accept the Holy Quran as the Book of Allah because of what people say, and it is an entirely true book."
(Hablullah, p. 14, Majallah No. 11)
This is his belief about the Holy Quran, that he considers it the Book of Allah not because Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him) said so, but because of what people say. This is the excellent belief of Dr. Usmani's brilliant student, and this is their distinguished belief!!!!! Allah Almighty will continue to disgrace and humiliate the enemies of the noble Hadith scholars (who are the friends of Allah). Indeed, Allah Almighty will further disgrace the enemies of the noble Hadith scholars. This is known as the reverse flow of the Ganges. May Allah not grant anyone such a twisted mind as he has, because he has a habit of deriving wrong conclusions from every correct statement. Like his teacher, he has a habit of only seeing the dark side of every matter.
The issue of the createdness of the Quran was an extremely important and fundamental issue in the eyes of the people of truth. Those whom he has labeled as enemies of Islam and conspirators were actually the people of truth, i.e., the noble Hadith scholars and the righteous predecessors. Since he holds the beliefs of the Jahmiyyah, he considers the people of truth as enemies of Islam and conspirators, whereas the reality is the opposite. On the Day of Judgment, Allah Almighty will severely punish such oppressors. Allah Almighty says: "And those who have wronged are going to know to what [kind of] return they will be returned."
(Quran 26:227)
Thus, he writes:
"The enemies of Islam, conspiratorial elements, were looking for an opportunity to spread false beliefs and grave worship among Muslims. They found this opportunity when they raised the unnecessary and mystic issue of the createdness of the Quran among Muslims, starting this philosophical debate on whether the Quran is created or not. Among those affected by this philosophical nitpicking and the resulting logical and theological debate was Ahmad bin Hanbal (may Allah have mercy on him), who led the opposition against the createdness of the Quran." (p. 120)
Someone has rightly said: "What nonsense I am uttering in my madness, may God make someone understand!"
In summary: Indeed, the curse of Allah is upon the liars. (Quran 3:61)
By declaring the Quran as created, Abu Anwar Gadoon has denied its status as the speech of Allah, and this belief was also held by the polytheists of Mecca, who vehemently propagated that the Quran was fabricated by Muhammad (peace be upon him), meaning it was created. This person and his supporters, out of enmity towards Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal (may Allah have mercy on him), have gone so far as to align themselves with those who label others as disbelievers and polytheists and have ended up standing among their ranks. The disgraceful end of the enemies of Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal (may Allah have mercy on him) is now before the world, and Allah continues to humiliate those who bear enmity towards His friends. So, take heed, O people of insight.
Here are some verses from the Holy Quran related to this matter:
Translation of the Verses:
"And when We substitute one verse in place of another - and Allah knows best what He reveals - they say, 'You are but an inventor [of lies].' But most of them do not know. Say, [O Muhammad], 'The Pure Spirit has brought it down from your Lord in truth to make firm those who believe and as guidance and good tidings to the Muslims.' And We certainly know that they say, 'It is only a human being who teaches him.' The tongue of the one they refer to is foreign, and this [recitation] is in a clear Arabic language. Indeed, those who do not believe in the verses of Allah - Allah will not guide them, and for them is a painful punishment. They only invent falsehood who do not believe in the verses of Allah, and it is those who are the liars."
(An-Nahl: 101-105)
It is evident that the polytheists of Mecca did not accept the Holy Quran as the speech of Allah but rather as the speech of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him). They also accused him of being taught by a non-Arab. Another verse states:
"And when Our clear verses are recited to them, those who do not expect to meet Us say, 'Bring us a Quran other than this or change it.' Say [O Muhammad], 'It is not for me to change it on my own accord. I only follow what is revealed to me. Indeed, I fear, if I should disobey my Lord, the punishment of a tremendous Day.' Say, 'If Allah had willed, I would not have recited it to you, nor would He have made it known to you. For I had stayed among you a lifetime before it. Then will you not reason?' So who is more unjust than one who invents a lie about Allah or denies His verses? Indeed, the wrongdoers will not succeed."
(Yunus: 15-17)
This means that I have spent a significant portion of my life among you, and if this Quran was my own creation, I would have recited it to you earlier. But now you are accusing me of fabricating this Quran. Further in Surah Yunus, it is stated:
"And it was not [possible] for this Quran to be produced by other than Allah, but [it is] a confirmation of what was before it and a detailed explanation of the [former] Scripture, about which there is no doubt, from the Lord of the worlds. Or do they say [about the Prophet], 'He invented it?' Say, 'Then bring forth a surah like it and call upon [for assistance] whomever you can besides Allah, if you should be truthful.' But they have denied that which they encompass not in knowledge and whose interpretation has not yet come to them. Thus did those before them deny. Then observe how was the end of the wrongdoers."
(Yunus: 37-39)
Allah Almighty mentions the collective attitude of the polytheists of Mecca towards the Holy Quran, highlighting their disbelief and rejection of it as the speech of Allah, while also providing a detailed account of the chief of Mecca, Walid bin Mughira. His arrogance, denial, and contempt are described, along with his superficial consideration and external display. Allah records his statement:
"And he said, 'This is not but magic imitated [from others]. This is not but the word of a human being.'"
(Al-Muddaththir: 24-25)
The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) could never have conceived of fabricating the Quran. Allah Almighty states:
"And it is not the word of a poet; little do you believe. Nor the word of a soothsayer; little do you remember. [It is] a revelation from the Lord of the worlds. And if he had made up about Us some [false] sayings, We would have seized him by the right hand; then We would have cut from him the aorta. And there is no one of you who could prevent [Us] from him. And indeed, it is a reminder for the righteous. And indeed, We know that among you are deniers. And indeed, it will be [a cause of] regret upon the disbelievers. And indeed, it is the truth of certainty. So exalt the name of your Lord, the Most Great."
(Al-Haqqah: 41-52)
The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) would not speak on his own accord without divine revelation:
"Nor does he speak from [his own] inclination. It is not but a revelation revealed."
(An-Najm: 3-4)
Another verse states:
"And if any one of the polytheists seeks your protection, then grant him protection so that he may hear the words of Allah. Then deliver him to his place of safety. That is because they are a people who do not know."
(At-Tawbah: 6)
Although the recitation of the Quran is done by humans, Allah still refers to it as His speech. One of the names of the Quran is "Al-Kitab" (The Book), and a book means "written text." Even though ink, paper, leather, bones, etc., are creations, when the Quran takes the form of a book, it becomes "the Book of Allah." As Allah says:
"Have you not seen those who were given a portion of the Book? They are invited to the Book of Allah that it should arbitrate between them; then a party of them turns away, and they are refusing."
(Al-Imran: 23)
Allah Almighty has said:
"This is the Book about which there is no doubt."
(Al-Baqarah: 2)
That is, there is no doubt that this book, the Quran, is "the speech of Allah." Although Abu Anwar Gadoon doubts it being "the speech of Allah" or "the Book of Allah."
For further details, refer to the author's book "Dawat-e-Quran ke Naam par Quran wa Hadith se Inhiraf." No person from the followers of Islam can ever imagine that the Holy Quran is not the speech of Allah but a creation. This is why the entire Ummah is in agreement that the Holy Quran is the speech of Allah and not created. Whoever says that the Holy Quran is created is out of the fold of Islam and a disbeliever.
From the detailed explanation of these verses, it becomes absolutely clear that the belief that the Holy Quran is not the speech of Allah but a creation is the belief of the polytheists of Mecca. This belief was later adopted by the Jahmiyyah and then the Mu'tazilah sect. Following their example, Abu Anwar Gadoon also adopted this belief, making him a companion and equal of the polytheists of Mecca. Due to his enmity towards Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal (may Allah have mercy on him) and the noble Hadith scholars, Allah has made him and his Usmani party equal to the polytheists of Mecca and deniers of the truth. The following statement of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has proved to be entirely correct in this case:
"Whoever calls his Muslim brother a disbeliever or an enemy of Allah and he is not like that, this statement returns to the one who said it."
(Bukhari: 6104 and Muslim: 60/111, quoted in Mishkat al-Masabih p. 411 H 4815)
And this is now evident. Further details on this issue can be found in the following verses: Yusuf: 111, Hud: 13, 35, Al-Anbiya: 5, Al-Furqan: 4, As-Sajda: 3, Al-Ahqaf: 8.
Imam Sufyan bin 'Uyainah (may Allah have mercy on him) said:
"I have found our teachers for seventy years, including 'Amr bin Dinar, saying: The Quran is the speech of Allah and not a creation."
(Khalq Afaal al-Ibad by Bukhari p. 7 H 1, with an authentic chain, Tarikh al-Kabir by Bukhari 2/338 T 2666 with an authentic chain)
The following Hadith scholars considered the Holy Quran to be the speech of Allah and not created. They considered anyone who said the Quran was created to be a disbeliever and a heretic.
- Yazid bin Harun (Masail Abi Dawud p. 268 with a good chain, Shadh bin Yahya al-Wasiti is good in Hadith, and Khalq Afaal al-Ibad p. 8 H 7)
- Abdullah bin Idris (Khalq Afaal al-Ibad p. 8 J 5 with an authentic chain)
- Abu al-Walid al-Tayalisi (Masail Abi Dawud p. 266 with an authentic chain, Khalq Afaal al-Ibad p. 11 H 34)
- Ali bin Abdullah al-Madini (Khalq Afaal al-Ibad p. 11 H 32 with an authentic chain)
- Yahya bin Ma'in (Kitab al-Sunnah by Abdullah bin Ahmad bin Hanbal 1/128 H 68 with an authentic chain)