Miscellaneous Rulings and Issues Regarding Durood Shareef

Authored by: Abu Abdullah Sarim

Recitation by Those Without Ablution or in a State of Major Ritual Impurity

Both men and women who are without ablution (wudu), in a state of major ritual impurity (junub), or women who are menstruating (haidh) or in postnatal bleeding (nifas) are permitted to recite Durood and Salaam.

Using Durood as a Means in Supplication:

The blessed act of sending Durood upon the Holy Prophet ﷺ can be used as a means (wasilah) in supplication (dua), as using good deeds as a wasilah in dua is permissible according to the Quran and Hadith.

Recitation of Durood When a Disbeliever or Innovator Mentions the Prophet ﷺ:

If a disbeliever or an innovator mentions the Prophet ﷺ, Durood should still be recited. This is because the command of the Prophet ﷺ is general, where he said that whoever hears my mention should send Durood upon me.

Recitation of Durood During the Friday Sermon:

If the preacher (khateeb) mentions the Prophet ﷺ during the Friday sermon, the listeners should send Durood upon him.

Recitation of Durood During Prayer:

If a person hears the mention of the Prophet ﷺ while in prayer, they should complete their prayer first and then recite Durood.

Preferred Words for Durood:

It is better to adhere to the words of Durood that are authentically narrated from the Prophet ﷺ. However, it is permissible to recite Durood using words that are not narrated, provided they are free from shirk (association of partners with Allah), innovation (bid'ah), and exaggeration, as has been the practice of both the early and later scholars.

Innovations in the Virtues of Durood:

Fabricating virtues for established words of Durood is an act of innovation (bid'ah). Furthermore, attributing virtues and merits to words that are not even narrated from the Prophet ﷺ is a greater innovation.