✍ Author: Dr. Muhammad Zia-ur-Rahman Azmi (رحمہ اللہ)
Best Source of Livelihood
When the Prophet ﷺ was asked about the purest form of income, he replied:
"A man's work with his own hands and every legitimate sale."
(Musnad Ahmad 4/141, Sahih al-Jami', Hadith No. 1033)
Furthermore, the Prophet ﷺ also said:
"No one has ever eaten better food than what he earns from his own hands. Indeed, the Prophet Dawood (عليه السلام) used to eat from the labor of his own hands."
(Sahih al-Bukhari, Hadith No. 2072)
Necessity of These Professions
These professions are essential for society. If Muslims avoid them, they may become dependent on their adversaries to fulfill these tasks, which can be harmful in the long run.
Guidelines for Those Working in Sanitation
A person working in cleaning and sanitation services should take extra care to protect his clothing and body from impurities. If any filth gets on him, he should clean it immediately.
Reference: [Ibn Baz: Majmu’ Al-Fatawa wa Al-Maqalat, 19/351]
Permissibility of Working in Professions Like Cooking, Barbering, Shoemaking, and Cleaning
There is no harm in engaging in these lawful professions, as long as a person fears Allah, acts sincerely, and does not deceive either his employer or customers. This ruling is based on general Shari'ah principles, as supported by the following Hadith:
When the Prophet ﷺ was asked about the purest form of income, he replied:
"A man's work with his own hands and every legitimate sale."

Furthermore, the Prophet ﷺ also said:
"No one has ever eaten better food than what he earns from his own hands. Indeed, the Prophet Dawood (عليه السلام) used to eat from the labor of his own hands."

These professions are essential for society. If Muslims avoid them, they may become dependent on their adversaries to fulfill these tasks, which can be harmful in the long run.

A person working in cleaning and sanitation services should take extra care to protect his clothing and body from impurities. If any filth gets on him, he should clean it immediately.