Did Amir Muawiyah Poison Sayyidina Hassan (RA)?

Written by Ghulam Mustafa Zaheer Ameenpuri

The grandson of the Prophet (PBUH), the cherished son of Fatimah (RA), the leader of the youth of Paradise, and a flower in the garden of the Prophet's family, Sayyidina Hassan ibn Ali (RA), was indeed poisoned. Umair bin Ishaq narrates:

"I entered with a man to visit Hassan ibn Ali (RA). He said to the man: 'Ask me before you cannot ask me.' The man replied: 'I do not want to ask you anything, may Allah grant you well-being.' Hassan (RA) then went to the restroom, came out to us, and said: 'I just expelled a piece of my liver (through the excrement), and I was turning it over with this stick. I have been poisoned several times, but never as severely as this time.' The next day we visited him and found him in a critical condition. Sayyidina Hussain (RA) came and sat by his head, saying: 'Brother, who poisoned you?' Hassan (RA) replied: 'Do you want to kill him?' Hussain (RA) said: 'Yes.' Hassan (RA) said: 'If it is the one I think, then Allah is more severe in retribution. And if he is innocent, I do not want an innocent person to be killed.'"

(Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaybah: 15/93-94, Kitab al-Muhtadireen by Ibn Abi Dunya: 132, Al-Mustadrak by Al-Hakim: 3/176, Al-Isti’ab by Ibn Abdul Barr: 3/115, Tarikh Ibn Asakir: 13/282, and its chain is Hasan)

Who Poisoned Sayyidina Hassan ibn Ali (RA)? Analysis of Narrations​

Shia Argument

Shia scholars claim that Sayyidina Hassan (RA) was poisoned by Sayyidina Muawiyah ibn Abi Sufyan (RA). This claim lacks substantial evidence. Here is a scholarly and critical review of their arguments:

Argument 1​

"Ibn Abdul Barr said: Abu Zaid Umar ibn Shabba and Abu Bakr ibn Abi Khaythamah reported that Musa ibn Ismail said: 'Abu Bilal narrated from Qatada that Hussain entered upon Hassan and said: 'Brother! I have been poisoned three times, but never as severely as this time. My liver is being expelled.' Hussain asked: 'Who poisoned you, brother?' Hassan replied: 'Why do you ask? Do you want to fight them? I entrust them to Allah.' When the news of his death reached Muawiyah, he said: 'Amazing! Hassan drank a cup of honey with water from the Roman well and died.'"

(Al-Isti’ab by Ibn Abdul Barr: 1/115)


This narration is extremely weak. The narrator, Muhammad bin Sulaim Abu Hilal al-Rasibi (d. 167 AH), is considered weak by the majority of scholars.


  1. Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal: "His narrations are tolerated but he contradicts reliable narrators and his narrations from Qatada are disturbed." (Al-Jarh wal-Ta’dil by Ibn Abi Hatim: 7/273)
  2. Imam Yahya ibn Ma'in: "His narrations from Qatada are weak." (Al-Jarh wal-Ta’dil: 7/274)
  3. Imam Ibn Adi: "His narrations from Qatada are not preserved." (Al-Kamil by Ibn Adi: 6/214)
Due to the detailed criticism from multiple scholars, this narration is weak.

Argument 2

"Haitham ibn Adi said: 'Muawiyah sent one hundred thousand dinars to Suhail ibn Amrah's daughter, the wife of Hassan, to poison him, which she did.'"

(Ansab al-Ashraf by Ahmad ibn Yahya al-Baladhuri: 3/59)


This narration is fabricated. The narrator, Haitham ibn Adi, is unanimously considered a liar and abandoned.

Argument 3

"Imam Ibn Sa'd: Muhammad ibn Umar: Abdullah ibn Ja'far: Abdullah ibn Hassan said: 'Hassan ibn Ali frequently married women, and they loved him dearly. It is said that he was poisoned several times and survived. When he was near death, the doctor said: 'This man’s intestines have been cut by poison.' Hussain asked: 'Who poisoned you?' Hassan replied: 'Why do you ask? Do you want to kill him? I entrust him to Allah.'"

(Tarikh Ibn Asakir: 13/282-283)


This narration is extremely weak. The narrator, Muhammad ibn Umar al-Waqidi, is a well-known fabricator.

Argument 4​

Abu Bakr bin Hafs narrates:

"Hassan ibn Ali (RA) and Saad ibn Abi Waqqas (RA) both died a few days apart during the reign of Muawiyah, ten years after his caliphate. People suspected that Muawiyah had poisoned both of them."

(Maqal al-Talibeen by Abu al-Faraj Ali bin al-Husayn al-Isbahani: p. 20)


This narration is fabricated by a cursed Satan, which fell into the hands of the Rafidah (Shia), who used it to support their beliefs.

  1. The author of the book was an Umayyad Shia. There is no evidence of his reliability. His student Muhammad bin Abi al-Fawaris said:

    "He became delusional before his death." (Tarikh Baghdad by Al-Khatib: 11/398)
  2. The narrator Ahmad bin Ubaidullah bin Ammar was a Shia. Imam Al-Khatib al-Baghdadi said:

    "He was a Shia." (Tarikh Baghdad: 4/252)Hafiz al-Dhahabi said:"He was one of the heads of the Shia." (Mizan al-I'tidal by Al-Dhahabi: 1/118)
    There is no statement of reliability for him.
  3. The main narrator, Isa bin Mehran, is known to be a Rafidhi and a liar. Hafiz al-Dhahabi said:

    "He was a Rafidhi and a great liar." (Mizan al-I'tidal: 3/324)Imam Abu Hatim al-Razi said:"He was a liar." (Al-Jarh wal-Ta'dil: 6/290)Imam Ibn Adi said:"He narrated fabricated and munkar narrations and was a staunch Rafidhi." (Al-Kamil by Ibn Adi: 5/260)
    Presenting this liar's narration against Sayyidina Muawiyah (RA) is equivalent to slaughtering justice. It is astonishing that these people are heedless of the Day of Judgment. Do they think there will be no accountability for their writings and sayings against the Sahabah (RA)?

Argument 5​

Umair bin Ishaq narrates:

"I was with Hassan and Hussain (RA) at home. Hassan (RA) entered the door, then came out, saying: 'I have been poisoned...'"

(Maqal al-Talibeen by Abu al-Faraj al-Isbahani al-Shi’i al-Umayyad: p. 20)


This fabricated narration has the same meaning and defects as the previous narrations.

Argument 6​

Ibn Jada'ah narrates:

"Jada'ah bint al-Ash’ath bin Qays was married to Hassan ibn Ali (RA). Yazid coaxed her, promising to marry her if she poisoned Hassan (RA). She did so, and when Hassan (RA) died, Jada'ah asked Yazid to fulfill his promise. Yazid replied: 'By Allah, we did not consider you suitable for Hassan (RA); how can we consider you suitable for ourselves?'"

(Tarikh Ibn Asakir: 13/284, Al-Muntazam by Ibn al-Jawzi: 5/226)


This is a fabricated story.

  1. The fabricator is Yazid ibn Ayyad ibn Jada'ah al-Laythi. Imam Yahya ibn Ma'in, Imam Ali ibn al-Madini, Imam Bukhari, Imam Muslim, Imam Nasa'i, Imam Ibn Adi, Imam Abu Zur'ah al-Razi, Imam Abu Hatim al-Razi, Imam Saji, Imam Jawzjani, and others have labeled him as "weak, munkar al-hadith," and "abandoned." There is no statement of reliability for him.
  2. The other narrator, Muhammad ibn Khalaf ibn al-Marzban al-Ajri, has not been authenticated by any early scholars. Imam al-Daraqutni said:

    "He was a historian and a weak narrator." (Sualat al-Sahmi: 104)
Therefore, Hafiz al-Dhahabi's statement that he was truthful (Siyar A’lam al-Nubala: 14/264) is not correct.

Argument 7​

"Umm Musa narrated that Jada'ah bint al-Ash'ath bin Qays poisoned Hassan (RA). He became ill because of it. A vessel was placed under him, and another was removed. This continued for about forty days."

(Tarikh Ibn Asakir: 13/284)


This narration is weak. The identification of the narrator named Ya'qub is required, and the hearing from Umm Musa needs to be established.


It has become clear that the narrations suggesting Sayyidina Muawiyah (RA) or Yazid poisoned Sayyidina Hassan ibn Ali (RA) are fabricated. If anyone has any other chains of narrations, they should present them for analysis. The basis of faith and practice should not be built on unsound and weak narrations. Presenting such weak and fabricated narrations against the Sahabah (RA) falls under bad suspicion, which is the worst form of falsehood.

Another point is that these false narrations also contradict Shia beliefs. According to Shia doctrines, the Imams know when they will die and they do not die except by their own choice (Usul al-Kafi by Al-Kulaini: 1/258, Al-Fusul al-Muhimmah by Al-Jurani: 155).

Mulla Baqir al-Majlisi writes:

"No Imam dies except by being killed or poisoned." (Bihar al-Anwar by Al-Majlisi: 43/364)

If their belief is that the Imams are all-knowing, then why was Sayyidina Hassan ibn Ali (RA) unaware that the food was poisoned?

The claim that Sayyidina Muawiyah (RA) poisoned Sayyidina Hassan ibn Ali (RA) is a great lie and slander, as all the narrations in this regard are fabricated. Allah knows best, and His knowledge is most accurate.