Are the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Present and Watching Everywhere?

Author: Abu Abdullah Sarim

Some people, in contradiction to the beliefs of the Ta'ifa Mansurah (the victorious group) and the esteemed scholars of Hadith, have fabricated the belief that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is present and watching everywhere. Below are summarized hadith-based arguments against this false and highly misleading belief:

Evidence 1:

Lady Aisha (RA) narrated:"I missed the Prophet (PBUH) one night from the bed, so I began searching for him..."
(Sahih Muslim: 1/192, Hadith: 486)

Evidence 2:

Abu Qatada (RA) narrated:"In the morning, the people found that their Prophet (PBUH) was missing..."
(Sahih Muslim: 1/239, Hadith: 681)

Evidence 3:

Abdullah bin Masud (RA) narrated:"We were with the Prophet (PBUH) one night when suddenly we lost him. We searched for him in the valleys and gorges, fearing that something might have happened to him, like an attack by jinn or humans. We spent the night in extreme distress. When morning came, the Prophet (PBUH) returned from the direction of Hira. We said, 'O Messenger of Allah! We missed you and searched for you but couldn't find you, and we spent the night in great anxiety and distress...'"
(Sahih Muslim: 1/184, Hadith: 450)

Evidence 4:

Lady Aisha (RA) narrated:"One night, I missed the Prophet (PBUH). I thought he might have gone to one of his wives. I searched for him, then returned to find him in bowing or prostrating position, reciting: 'Glory be to You, and praise be to You, there is no deity except You.'"
(Sahih Muslim: 1/192, Hadith: 485)

Evidence 5:

Abu Hurairah (RA) narrated:"The Prophet (PBUH) missed some people in one of the prayers..."
(Sahih Muslim: 1/222, Hadith: 651)

Evidence 6:

Abu Hurairah (RA) narrated:"A black woman or a young man used to clean the mosque. The Prophet (PBUH) missed them and asked about them. The companions said: 'They have died...'"
(Sahih Muslim: 1/309, Hadith: 956)

Evidence 7:

Anas bin Malik (RA) narrated:"The Prophet (PBUH) missed Thabit bin Qais (RA). A man said: 'O Messenger of Allah! I will inform you about him.' He went and found Thabit (RA) sitting in his house with his head bowed down."
(Sahih al-Bukhari: 1/510, Hadith: 3613)

Evidence 8:

Abu Hurairah (RA) narrated:"He met the Prophet (PBUH) on one of the roads of Madinah while he was in a state of impurity. So he slipped away, went to perform ghusl (ritual purification), and the Prophet (PBUH) noticed his absence. When he returned, the Prophet (PBUH) asked: 'Where were you, O Abu Hurairah?'"
(Sahih Muslim: 1/162, Hadith: 371)

Evidence 9:

Qura bin Iyas (RA) narrated that an Ansari companion used to visit the Prophet (PBUH) regularly. He also brought a child with him. One day, the Prophet (PBUH) noticed his absence and asked about him. The companions said, 'O Messenger of Allah! His child has died.'_

(Musnad al-Tayalisi: p. 145, Musnad Ahmad: 3/436, Sunan al-Nasa’i: 1871, Al-Mustadrak by Al-Hakim: 1/384, with a Sahih chain)

Imam Ibn Hibban (RA) declared this hadith as "Sahih."

Imam Hakim (RA) stated:“This hadith has a Sahih (authentic) chain.”

Hafiz Dhahabi (RA) also declared it "Sahih."

Hafiz Ibn Hajar (RA) stated:“Its chain is authentic.”

(Fath al-Bari by Ibn Hajar: 3/361)

Evidence 10:

Abu Barzah al-Aslami (RA) narrated:"The Prophet (PBUH) went out on an expedition. When Allah granted him victory, he said to his companions: 'Do you miss anyone?' They said, 'We miss so-and-so, and so-and-so.' He said, 'Look, do you miss anyone else?' They said, 'No.' He said, 'But I miss Julaibib. Look for him among the killed.' They searched and found him lying beside seven enemies he had killed, after which they killed him."

(Musnad Ahmad: 4/422, with a Sahih chain)

These ten authentic hadiths clearly demonstrate that even during his blessed life, the Prophet (PBUH) was not present and watching everywhere. The companions would miss him, and he would miss them. If he were present and watching everywhere, why would this happen?

Another hadith is presented in this regard:Mughira bin Shu'ba (RA) narrated:"I was with the Prophet (PBUH) on a journey. He said: 'O Mughira! Take the water vessel.' I took it, and the Prophet (PBUH) went away until he was hidden from me and relieved himself."

(Sahih al-Bukhari: 1/52, Hadith: 363; Sahih Muslim: 1/133, Hadith: 274)

Can a person who goes so far away that he is out of sight be present and watching everywhere? Logically, it is impossible for the Prophet (PBUH) to be present and watching everywhere because such a belief would imply his presence in places of filth, private areas, and places that even an ordinary Muslim would not want to see. How could a Muslim possibly conduct all their life's affairs if the Prophet (PBUH) were present and watching? There are many lawful acts that a Muslim could never perform in the presence of another Muslim, let alone in the presence of the Prophet (PBUH)!

We urge our readers to carefully consider the evidence presented and decide whether the belief that the Prophet (PBUH) is present and watching everywhere is correct or not!