Written by: Allama Hafiz Zubair Ali Zai
Respected Allama Hafiz Zubair Ali Zai, Assalamu Alaikum. I hope you are in good health.
Through this letter, I wish to inquire about who Mansur Al-Hallaj was. In which century did he live, and for what crime was he executed? What do the Muhaddithin and scholarly researchers say about Mansur Al-Hallaj? Please provide evidence-based responses.
(Regards, Inam-ur-Rahman, Tehsil and District Swabi, Village and Post Office Zarubi, Mohalla Bozarkhel)
◈ Hafiz Dhahabi states:
◈ Hafiz Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani states:
In the later period, from these two renowned scholars of Asma al-Rijal and their famous books, it is proven that the majority of scholars considered Al-Hallaj to be a heretic and misguided.
◈ The distinguished Imam Abu Umar Muhammad bin Abbas bin Muhammad bin Zakariya bin Yahya Al-Baghdadi (Ibn Hayyawi) states:
From this authentic narration, it is evident that Hussain bin Mansur Al-Hallaj was a liar.
◈ Sheikh-ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah states:
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, Al-Hallaj was executed for heresy.
([Majmoo' al-Fatawa 35/108])
Sheikh-ul-Islam further states:
◈ Hafiz Ibn al-Jawzi wrote a book about him titled "Al-Qati' al-Mahal Lilal-Lajaj Al-Qati' Bi Mahal Al-Hallaj":
([Al-Muntazam 13/204])
Ibn al-Jawzi states:
Against these severe criticisms, there is no established praise or authentication of Al-Hallaj. Zafar Ahmad Usmani Thanvi Deobandi, under the supervision of Ashraf Ali Thanvi Deobandi, wrote a book titled "Al-Qawl Al-Mansur fi Ibn Mansur, Seerat Mansur Al-Hallaj." This book was published by Maktaba Darul Uloom Karachi No. 14. In this book, Thanvi has collected fabricated, baseless, and rejected narrations to give the impression that (according to Deobandis) Hussain bin Mansur Al-Hallaj was a good person.
Respected Allama Hafiz Zubair Ali Zai, Assalamu Alaikum. I hope you are in good health.
Through this letter, I wish to inquire about who Mansur Al-Hallaj was. In which century did he live, and for what crime was he executed? What do the Muhaddithin and scholarly researchers say about Mansur Al-Hallaj? Please provide evidence-based responses.
(Regards, Inam-ur-Rahman, Tehsil and District Swabi, Village and Post Office Zarubi, Mohalla Bozarkhel)
Introduction to Hussain bin Mansur Al-Hallaj
Hussain bin Mansur Al-Hallaj, whom ignorant people refer to as Mansur Al-Hallaj, can be briefly introduced as follows:◈ Hafiz Dhahabi states:
"The one executed for heresy, and thank Allah, he did not narrate any knowledge. His initial state (apparently) was good, showing devotion and mysticism, but then he apostatized, learned magic, and displayed extraordinary things to people. The scholars declared his blood permissible, and he was executed in 311 AH."([Mizan al-I'tidal, Volume 1, Page 548])
◈ Hafiz Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani states:
"People differ about him; most believe he was a misguided heretic."([Lisan al-Mizan, Volume 2, Page 314, verified edition 2/582])
In the later period, from these two renowned scholars of Asma al-Rijal and their famous books, it is proven that the majority of scholars considered Al-Hallaj to be a heretic and misguided.
◈ The distinguished Imam Abu Umar Muhammad bin Abbas bin Muhammad bin Zakariya bin Yahya Al-Baghdadi (Ibn Hayyawi) states:
"When Hussain Al-Hallaj was taken out to be executed, I went along with the crowd and saw him. He told his companions: 'Do not be alarmed by this; I will return to you after thirty days.' Then he was killed."([Tarikh Baghdad, Volume 8, Page 131, Hadith 4232, with an authentic chain; Al-Muntazam by Ibn al-Jawzi 13/406, and he said: "This chain is authentic without doubt"; Lisan al-Mizan 2/315, and he said: "Its chain is authentic"])
From this authentic narration, it is evident that Hussain bin Mansur Al-Hallaj was a liar.
◈ Sheikh-ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah states:
"According to the majority of Sufi elders and people of knowledge, Al-Hallaj was not among the righteous elders but was a heretic."([Majmoo' al-Fatawa, Volume 8, Page 318])
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, Al-Hallaj was executed for heresy.
([Majmoo' al-Fatawa 35/108])
Sheikh-ul-Islam further states:
"Likewise, whoever does not consider his execution permissible is an apostate from the religion of Islam."([Majmoo' al-Fatawa, Volume 2, Page 486])
◈ Hafiz Ibn al-Jawzi wrote a book about him titled "Al-Qati' al-Mahal Lilal-Lajaj Al-Qati' Bi Mahal Al-Hallaj":
([Al-Muntazam 13/204])
Ibn al-Jawzi states:
"Indeed, he was a fabricator."([Ibid, 13/206])
Against these severe criticisms, there is no established praise or authentication of Al-Hallaj. Zafar Ahmad Usmani Thanvi Deobandi, under the supervision of Ashraf Ali Thanvi Deobandi, wrote a book titled "Al-Qawl Al-Mansur fi Ibn Mansur, Seerat Mansur Al-Hallaj." This book was published by Maktaba Darul Uloom Karachi No. 14. In this book, Thanvi has collected fabricated, baseless, and rejected narrations to give the impression that (according to Deobandis) Hussain bin Mansur Al-Hallaj was a good person.