Who are Salafis?

Written by: Abu Saqib Muhammad Safdar Hazrovi

Hafiz Abu Saad Abdul Karim bin Muhammad Al-Samani (may Allah have mercy on him) (d. 562 AH) said about Salafis: "This refers to the association with the Salaf."

[Al-Ansab 3/273]

Hafiz Dhahabi (may Allah have mercy on him) said: "(A Salafi is someone) who follows the Madhhab of the Salaf."

[Siyar A'lam al-Nubala 2/21]

Hafiz Ibn Taymiyyah (may Allah have mercy on him) stated: "There is no fault in one who openly follows the Madhhab of the Salaf and associates himself with it and is proud of it. Rather, it is obligatory to accept this from him by consensus because the Madhhab of the Salaf is nothing but the truth."

[Majmu' al-Fatawa 6/149]