Compiled by: Dr. Raza Abdullah Pasha (May Allah protect him)
«إن عرش إبليس على البحر، فيبعث سراياه فيقنتون الناس فأعظمهم عنده منزله أعظمهم فتنة»
"Indeed, the throne of Iblis is upon the sea. From there, he dispatches his troops to create mischief among people. The most beloved to him is the one who causes the greatest fitnah (trials and corruption)."
[Sahih Muslim, Kitab Sifat al-Qiyamah wa al-Jannah wa al-Nar, Bab Taharrush al-Shaytan wa Ba‘thihi Saraayah wa Anna ma‘a Kulli Insan Qarina]
It is narrated from Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) that he said:«إن عرش إبليس على البحر، فيبعث سراياه فيقنتون الناس فأعظمهم عنده منزله أعظمهم فتنة»
"Indeed, the throne of Iblis is upon the sea. From there, he dispatches his troops to create mischief among people. The most beloved to him is the one who causes the greatest fitnah (trials and corruption)."
[Sahih Muslim, Kitab Sifat al-Qiyamah wa al-Jannah wa al-Nar, Bab Taharrush al-Shaytan wa Ba‘thihi Saraayah wa Anna ma‘a Kulli Insan Qarina]