What is the Evidence of Satan's Presence During Prayer?

Compiled by: Dr. Raza Abdullah Pasha (Hafidhahullah)


It is narrated from Uthman bin Abi Al-‘As (RA) that he said:

"When the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) appointed me as a governor over Ta’if, something would often come to me during prayer, to the point that I did not know how many rak‘ahs I had prayed. When I noticed this, I went to the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) and mentioned the issue to him. The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: ‘This is Satan.’
Then he said: ‘Come closer to me.’
I moved closer and sat down on my knees. The Prophet (ﷺ) placed his hand on my chest and blew into my mouth three times, saying:
‘Get out, O enemy of Allah!’
He did this three times and then said: ‘Go back to your duty.’
Uthman (RA) said: ‘By Allah, after that, I was never troubled by it again.’"
(Sahih Sunan Ibn Majah, Hadith No. 3548 | Musnad Ahmad, Vol. 5, p. 210)
Shaykh Albani (RA) classified this narration as authentic (sahih).

Key Lessons Derived:

  1. Satan’s Disruption of Prayer:
    • Satan intentionally tries to distract a person during prayer by confusing them about the number of rak‘ahs or by diverting their attention.
  2. Seeking the Prophet’s (ﷺ) Intervention:
    • When Uthman bin Abi Al-‘As (RA) experienced such distractions, he sought guidance from the Prophet (ﷺ), who identified the cause as Satan and provided a spiritual remedy.
  3. Prophetic Remedy:
    • The Prophet (ﷺ) placed his hand on Uthman’s chest, blew into his mouth, and commanded the devil to leave.
    • This act symbolized the removal of Satanic interference and demonstrates the power of seeking spiritual cures from Allah and His Messenger’s teachings.
  4. Result:
    • After receiving the Prophet’s (ﷺ) intervention, Uthman (RA) was never troubled by such distractions again.

Implication for Believers:

  • Distraction in prayer is a common tactic used by Satan to diminish the spiritual quality of a Muslim’s connection with Allah.
  • Remedies include:
    • Seeking refuge in Allah from Satan by reciting "A‘udhu Billahi Minash-Shaytanir-Rajim".
    • Maintaining focus during prayer through awareness and concentration.
    • Following the sunnah remedies like those taught by the Prophet (ﷺ) in authentic traditions.