Compiled by: Dr. Rizā Abdullah Pāshā (May Allah Protect Him)
The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said:
« الرؤيا ثلاث: فرؤيا بشري من الله تعالى، ورؤيا من الشيطان، ورؤيا يحدث بها الإنسان نفسه فيراها »
"Dreams are of three types: One is a glad tiding from Allah (SWT), another is from Satan, and the third is what a person imagines and sees as a result of their own thoughts."
(Musnad Ahmad 269,395/2, Sahih Ibn Hibban, Hadith No. 6042, Sunan al-Nasa'i, Hadith No. 903)
The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said:
« الرؤيا ثلاث: فرؤيا بشري من الله تعالى، ورؤيا من الشيطان، ورؤيا يحدث بها الإنسان نفسه فيراها »
"Dreams are of three types: One is a glad tiding from Allah (SWT), another is from Satan, and the third is what a person imagines and sees as a result of their own thoughts."
(Musnad Ahmad 269,395/2, Sahih Ibn Hibban, Hadith No. 6042, Sunan al-Nasa'i, Hadith No. 903)