Written by: Fadilat al-Sheikh Abdul Salam bin Muhammad (may Allah protect him)
On the authority of Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him), he said: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said,
"None of you should walk with one shoe. Either wear both shoes or remove both."
[Agreed upon]
This Hadith is narrated by Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) where the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) commanded not to walk with only one shoe. Either wear both shoes or take them both off.
[Agreed upon]
[Bulugh al-Maram: 1248]
Bukhari [5855], Muslim [19 from the Book of Clothing], and Bulugh al-Maram [1248]. Also refer to Tuhfat al-Ashraf [10/187].
The primary purpose of shoes is to protect the feet from harmful objects such as thorns. Walking with only one shoe forces extra effort to protect the bare foot, which disrupts normal walking and balance, increasing the risk of injury, like a sprain, or falling. While these reasons seem apparent, only Allah knows the true wisdom behind the command.
Prohibition of Walking with One Shoe:
This Hadith makes it clear that walking with one shoe is prohibited, as indicated by the direct command of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). In Sahih Muslim, there is another narration from Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him), where the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "If the strap of one’s shoe breaks, do not walk in just one shoe."
If even in the case of a broken strap (making it impossible to walk properly), walking with one shoe is not allowed, how could it be permissible without necessity?
Alternative Opinions:
Some argue that walking with one shoe is merely discouraged but not strictly prohibited, citing a narration from Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) in Sunan Tirmidhi, where she reported:
"Sometimes the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) would walk in one shoe."
[Tirmidhi, Book of Clothing]
However, this narration is weak due to the presence of Layth ibn Abi Sulaym, who, according to Taqrib, was truthful but his narrations became mixed up and thus were abandoned. Additionally, this narration contradicts the authentic Hadith. The correct understanding is that this was an action of Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her), as recorded with an authentic chain in Tirmidhi, which Imam Bukhari and others have preferred.
Actions of the Companions:
The actions of a Companion are not taken as binding evidence. Aisha’s practice is understood as either due to her not being aware of the Hadith or due to a particular interpretation.
Encouragement of Wearing Shoes Regularly:
Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said during a battle:
"Wear your shoes often, for as long as a person wears shoes, he is as though mounted."
[Muslim, Book of Clothing]
Occasional Barefoot Walking:
Fadala bin Ubayd (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) instructed them:
"At times, walk barefoot."
[Abu Dawood, Book of Grooming]
See also Sahih Abu Dawood.
This guidance is meant to instill resilience and toughness among Muslims. It ensures that, in case of a shoe breaking or being unavailable, people would still be able to walk without difficulty. If one becomes accustomed to walking barefoot occasionally, the loss of a shoe would not lead to embarrassment or physical discomfort.
Prohibition of Wearing One Sock:
Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said:
"If the strap of one’s shoe breaks, do not walk in just one shoe until you have repaired it, and do not walk in just one sock."
[Muslim, Book of Clothing]
This Hadith also indicates that walking with one sock or one shoe is not permissible.
Some people add further prohibitions, such as not walking with one sleeve of a shirt off, but these additions are not from the religion and cannot be considered part of it.
On the authority of Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him), he said: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said,
"None of you should walk with one shoe. Either wear both shoes or remove both."
[Agreed upon]
This Hadith is narrated by Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) where the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) commanded not to walk with only one shoe. Either wear both shoes or take them both off.
[Agreed upon]
[Bulugh al-Maram: 1248]
Bukhari [5855], Muslim [19 from the Book of Clothing], and Bulugh al-Maram [1248]. Also refer to Tuhfat al-Ashraf [10/187].
- "Lin'alhumā": Imam Nawawi mentioned that this is derived from "in'al yun'il" (form IV), meaning to wear shoes. The pronoun "humā" refers to both feet, and though not mentioned explicitly before, it is implied since the meaning is understood to relate to wearing shoes.
- "Lin'alhumā" (with a fatha on the 'a'): This comes from "ilam ya'lam" (form I), as stated in Qāmūs. N'al means "to wear shoes," and in this case, "humā" refers to both shoes, meaning wear both shoes.
- "Liyakhla'ahumā": Refers to taking off both shoes. In a different narration from Bukhari, the phrase "or keep both feet bare" is used, where "humā" refers to both feet.
Purpose of Wearing Shoes:The primary purpose of shoes is to protect the feet from harmful objects such as thorns. Walking with only one shoe forces extra effort to protect the bare foot, which disrupts normal walking and balance, increasing the risk of injury, like a sprain, or falling. While these reasons seem apparent, only Allah knows the true wisdom behind the command.
Prohibition of Walking with One Shoe:
This Hadith makes it clear that walking with one shoe is prohibited, as indicated by the direct command of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). In Sahih Muslim, there is another narration from Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him), where the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "If the strap of one’s shoe breaks, do not walk in just one shoe."
If even in the case of a broken strap (making it impossible to walk properly), walking with one shoe is not allowed, how could it be permissible without necessity?
Alternative Opinions:
Some argue that walking with one shoe is merely discouraged but not strictly prohibited, citing a narration from Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) in Sunan Tirmidhi, where she reported:
"Sometimes the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) would walk in one shoe."
[Tirmidhi, Book of Clothing]
However, this narration is weak due to the presence of Layth ibn Abi Sulaym, who, according to Taqrib, was truthful but his narrations became mixed up and thus were abandoned. Additionally, this narration contradicts the authentic Hadith. The correct understanding is that this was an action of Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her), as recorded with an authentic chain in Tirmidhi, which Imam Bukhari and others have preferred.
Actions of the Companions:
The actions of a Companion are not taken as binding evidence. Aisha’s practice is understood as either due to her not being aware of the Hadith or due to a particular interpretation.
Encouragement of Wearing Shoes Regularly:
Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said during a battle:
"Wear your shoes often, for as long as a person wears shoes, he is as though mounted."
[Muslim, Book of Clothing]
Occasional Barefoot Walking:
Fadala bin Ubayd (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) instructed them:
"At times, walk barefoot."
[Abu Dawood, Book of Grooming]
See also Sahih Abu Dawood.
This guidance is meant to instill resilience and toughness among Muslims. It ensures that, in case of a shoe breaking or being unavailable, people would still be able to walk without difficulty. If one becomes accustomed to walking barefoot occasionally, the loss of a shoe would not lead to embarrassment or physical discomfort.
Prohibition of Wearing One Sock:
Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said:
"If the strap of one’s shoe breaks, do not walk in just one shoe until you have repaired it, and do not walk in just one sock."
[Muslim, Book of Clothing]
This Hadith also indicates that walking with one sock or one shoe is not permissible.
Some people add further prohibitions, such as not walking with one sleeve of a shirt off, but these additions are not from the religion and cannot be considered part of it.