Virtues and Merits of Sayyiduna Sa’d ibn Abi Waqqas (RA)


Sayyiduna Sa’d ibn Malik ibn Wahib ibn Abd Manaf al-Zuhri al-Qurashi al-Makki, also known as Abu Ishaq (RA), narrated: “No one embraced Islam before me on the day I converted, except for a few. I spent seven days being the third person in Islam.”

(Sahih Bukhari: 3727)

On the day of the Battle of Uhud, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said to him: "Shoot, may my father and mother be sacrificed for you." (Sahih Bukhari: 4055, Sahih Muslim: 2414/12, Tarqim Darussalam: 6237)

Guarding the Prophet (PBUH)

One night, the Prophet (PBUH) said: "I wish a righteous man from my companions would guard me tonight." Then Sa’d ibn Abi Waqqas (RA) came with the sound of weapons, and he guarded the Prophet. The Prophet (PBUH) slept peacefully.

(Sahih Bukhari: 7231, Sahih Muslim: 2410, Darussalam: 6230)

This hadith is from the time when the verse وَاللّٰہُ یَعْصِمُکَ مِنَ النَّاسِ ("And Allah will protect you from the people." Al-Ma'idah: 67) was revealed. Refer to Sunan al-Tirmidhi (3046, with a good chain, authenticated by Al-Hakim 2/313 and agreed upon by Al-Dhahabi) and Sahih Ibn Hibban (Mawarid al-Zam'an: 1739, with a good chain, Mu’ammal ibn Isma'il is a reliable narrator).

Afterward, there was no longer a need for a guard for the Prophet (PBUH).

First Arrow in the Path of Allah

Sayyiduna Sa’d ibn Abi Waqqas (RA) said: "I was the first Arab to shoot an arrow in the path of Allah."

(Sahih Bukhari: 3728)

Quranic Revelations

Some verses of the Quran were revealed about him (Refer to Sahih Muslim: 1748, Darussalam: 6238).


The Prophet (PBUH) said: "And Sa’d ibn Abi Waqqas is in Paradise."

(Sunan al-Tirmidhi: 3747, with an authentic chain, Hadith: 19 p.56)

Council of Six

Sayyiduna Umar (RA) included him among the six companions whom he considered worthy of the Caliphate (Refer to Sahih Bukhari: 3700, Hadith: 21 p.47). During the Battle of Uhud, Sa’d (RA) saw Jibreel and Mikael (AS) in white clothes on the right and left of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH).

(Sahih Muslim: 2306, Darussalam: 6004)

Honored Positions

Hafiz al-Dhahabi states: "He was one of the ten promised Paradise, one of the early converts, a participant in Badr and Hudaybiyah, and one of the six members of the Shura council."

(Siyar A’lam al-Nubala 1/93)


He was the conqueror of Persia. Qadisiyyah was conquered at his hands, and Allah destroyed Kisra.

(Siyar A’lam al-Nubala 1/115)

Answered Prayers

Sayyiduna Sa’d (RA) was known for his answered prayers. Once, someone lied about him, so he cursed that person. The curse struck, and the person died humiliated. (Refer to Sahih Bukhari: 755, Sahih Muslim: 453)

Incident in Kufa

Once, Sayyiduna Sa’d (RA) gave a sermon in Kufa and asked: "O people of Kufa, how do you find me as your leader?" A man replied: "You do not distribute wealth justly, you do not judge fairly, and you do not participate in battles." Sa’d (RA) prayed:

"O Allah, if this man is lying, blind him, make him poor, and let him live long and face trials." The man became blind, poor, and was afflicted by the fitna of Mukhtar al-Thaqafi (the liar). (Tarikh Dimashq 22/233-234, with an authentic chain, Siyar A’lam al-Nubala 1/113-114)

Love of the Prophet (PBUH)

Once, the Prophet (PBUH) prayed: "O Allah, let the one who enters through this door be a person who loves You and You love him." Sa’d (RA) entered through that door. (Al-Mustadrak al-Hakim 3/499 Hadith 6117, with a good chain, Tarikh Dimashq 22/223-224, authenticated by Al-Hakim and agreed upon by Al-Dhahabi)

Detachment from Fitna

Sayyiduna Sa’d (RA) disliked internal conflicts among Muslims and kept himself away from such fitnas. He remained neutral during the Battle of Jamal and the Battle of Siffin. He once saw his son Umar approaching and prayed: "O Allah, I seek refuge with You from the evil of this approaching one." Umar ibn Sa’d said: "You are sitting here among sheep and goats while people are fighting for power?" Sa’d (RA) struck his chest and said: "Be quiet!" (Sahih Muslim: 2965, Darussalam: 7432) Also see Siyar A’lam al-Nubala (1/122).

This incident teaches us that in times of discord among Muslims, one should detach from all factions and adhere to the Quran and Sunnah. When asked which group he belonged to, Sa’d (RA) replied: "I am not with any of them." (Al-Mustadrak 3/501-502 Hadith 6126, with a good chain, Husayn ibn Khariha, a trustworthy narrator according to Ibn Hibban 4/155. Abdul Rahman mentioned him among the Companions, so his narration does not fall below the level of Hasan).

One Rak’ah of Witr

Sa’d (RA) is known to have prayed one rak’ah of Witr. (Refer to Sahih Bukhari: 6356, Ma’rifat al-Sunan wa al-Athar by Al-Bayhaqi 2/314 Hadith 139, authenticated by Al-Nimawi in Athar al-Sunan: 606 with an authentic chain)


When Sayyiduna Sa’d (RA) fell ill in Makkah, the Prophet (PBUH) said to him: "Perhaps Allah will keep you alive, benefiting some people (Muslims) and harming others (disbelievers)." (Sahih Bukhari: 1295, Sahih Muslim: 1628)


According to the most accepted narration, he passed away in the year 55 AH in the place of Aqeeq. (Taqreeb al-Tahdhib: 2259) May Allah be pleased with him.