Were the words "As-Salatu Khayrun Minan-Nawm" present in the Fajr Adhan during the Prophet's time?
A narration from Sayyiduna Anas bin Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) states:
"It is proven from the Sunnah that when the Mu'adhdhin says 'Hayya 'ala al-Falah' in the Fajr Adhan, he should say 'As-Salatu Khayrun Minan-Nawm'."
(Sunan Ad-Daraqutni: 1/243, Hadith 933; As-Sunan Al-Kubra by Al-Bayhaqi: 1/423, and its chain is authentic.)
Imam Ibn Khuzaymah (386) and Imam Al-Dhiya Al-Maqdisi (258) have classified this Hadith as "Sahih," while Imam Al-Bayhaqi has declared its chain as "Sahih."
It is important to note that when a Companion uses the term "من السّنّۃ" (from the Sunnah) in a Hadith, it is unanimously considered as Marfu' (attributed to the Prophet). Thus, it is established that the words "As-Salatu Khayrun Minan-Nawm" were indeed part of the Fajr Adhan during the Prophet's time.
These words were personally taught by the Noble Prophet (peace be upon him) to Sayyiduna Abu Mahdhurah (may Allah be pleased with him). (Sunan Abi Dawood: 501, Sunan An-Nasa'i: 634, with a good chain, and the Hadith is authentic.)
Imam Ibn Khuzaymah (385) has also classified this Hadith as "Sahih." Hafiz Hazmi has declared it "Hasan" according to the conditions of Imam Abu Dawood, Imam Tirmidhi, and Imam An-Nasa'i. (Al-I'tibar: 69-70)
The narrator, Uthman bin Al-Saib Al-Jumahi, and his father, Al-Saib Al-Jumahi, are both considered "Hasan Al-Hadith." Imam Ibn Khuzaymah and Imam Ibn Hibban have authenticated them.
In Muwatta Imam Malik, it is narrated:
"(Imam Malik says) He was informed that the Mu'adhdhin came to Sayyiduna Umar bin Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) to inform him about the morning prayer, found him sleeping, and said, 'As-Salatu Khayrun Minan-Nawm.' Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) then instructed him to include it in the morning Adhan."
(Muwatta Imam Malik: 1/72)
Based on this narration, some people have attempted to argue that these words were added to the Adhan during the caliphate of Sayyiduna Umar bin Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him). However, this claim is entirely incorrect, as the chain of this narration is "weak." The narrator conveying this information to Imam Malik is unknown. Shariah does not obligate us to accept narrations from unknown or "Majhul" narrators. We must know the religious integrity of those from whom we take the teachings of Allah's religion.
In another narration, it is mentioned that Sayyiduna Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) approved of these words and told the Mu'adhdhin:
"Include these words in your Adhan."
(Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaybah: 1/208)
The chain of this narration is "weak" due to the presence of an unknown narrator named Ismail. Therefore, both narrations are rejected and not reliable.
It is thus established that the words "As-Salatu Khayrun Minan-Nawm" in the Fajr Adhan are proven from the Sunnah. Sayyiduna Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) instructed his Mu'adhdhin to say these words when he reached "Hayya 'ala al-Falah" in the Fajr Adhan. (Sunan Ad-Daraqutni: 1/250, Hadith: 935, and its chain is good.)
Sayyiduna Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) did not add these words from his own accord but rather in adherence to the Sunnah.
These words are also proven to be said in the Adhan by his son, Sayyiduna Abdullah bin Umar (may Allah be pleased with him).
(Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaybah: 1/208, and its chain is authentic.)
The words "As-Salatu Khayrun Minan-Nawm" have been part of the Fajr Adhan since the time of the Prophet (peace be upon him). The claim that these words were added to the Adhan by Sayyiduna Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) is baseless and false.
Were the words "As-Salatu Khayrun Minan-Nawm" present in the Fajr Adhan during the Prophet's time?
A narration from Sayyiduna Anas bin Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) states:
"من السّنّۃ اذا قال المؤ ذّن فی أذان الفجر حیّ علی الفلاح، قال: الصّلاۃ خیر من النّوم."
"It is proven from the Sunnah that when the Mu'adhdhin says 'Hayya 'ala al-Falah' in the Fajr Adhan, he should say 'As-Salatu Khayrun Minan-Nawm'."
(Sunan Ad-Daraqutni: 1/243, Hadith 933; As-Sunan Al-Kubra by Al-Bayhaqi: 1/423, and its chain is authentic.)
Imam Ibn Khuzaymah (386) and Imam Al-Dhiya Al-Maqdisi (258) have classified this Hadith as "Sahih," while Imam Al-Bayhaqi has declared its chain as "Sahih."
It is important to note that when a Companion uses the term "من السّنّۃ" (from the Sunnah) in a Hadith, it is unanimously considered as Marfu' (attributed to the Prophet). Thus, it is established that the words "As-Salatu Khayrun Minan-Nawm" were indeed part of the Fajr Adhan during the Prophet's time.
These words were personally taught by the Noble Prophet (peace be upon him) to Sayyiduna Abu Mahdhurah (may Allah be pleased with him). (Sunan Abi Dawood: 501, Sunan An-Nasa'i: 634, with a good chain, and the Hadith is authentic.)
Imam Ibn Khuzaymah (385) has also classified this Hadith as "Sahih." Hafiz Hazmi has declared it "Hasan" according to the conditions of Imam Abu Dawood, Imam Tirmidhi, and Imam An-Nasa'i. (Al-I'tibar: 69-70)
The narrator, Uthman bin Al-Saib Al-Jumahi, and his father, Al-Saib Al-Jumahi, are both considered "Hasan Al-Hadith." Imam Ibn Khuzaymah and Imam Ibn Hibban have authenticated them.
In Muwatta Imam Malik, it is narrated:
"أنہ بلغہ أنّ المؤ ذّن جاء الی عمر بن الخطّاب یؤ ذّنہ لصلاۃ الصّبح، فوجدہ نائما ، فقال : الصّلاۃ خیر من النّوم ، فأمرہ عمر أن یجعلہ فی نداء الصّبح."
"(Imam Malik says) He was informed that the Mu'adhdhin came to Sayyiduna Umar bin Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) to inform him about the morning prayer, found him sleeping, and said, 'As-Salatu Khayrun Minan-Nawm.' Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) then instructed him to include it in the morning Adhan."
(Muwatta Imam Malik: 1/72)
Based on this narration, some people have attempted to argue that these words were added to the Adhan during the caliphate of Sayyiduna Umar bin Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him). However, this claim is entirely incorrect, as the chain of this narration is "weak." The narrator conveying this information to Imam Malik is unknown. Shariah does not obligate us to accept narrations from unknown or "Majhul" narrators. We must know the religious integrity of those from whom we take the teachings of Allah's religion.
In another narration, it is mentioned that Sayyiduna Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) approved of these words and told the Mu'adhdhin:
"أقرّ ھا فی أذانک."
"Include these words in your Adhan."
(Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaybah: 1/208)
The chain of this narration is "weak" due to the presence of an unknown narrator named Ismail. Therefore, both narrations are rejected and not reliable.
It is thus established that the words "As-Salatu Khayrun Minan-Nawm" in the Fajr Adhan are proven from the Sunnah. Sayyiduna Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) instructed his Mu'adhdhin to say these words when he reached "Hayya 'ala al-Falah" in the Fajr Adhan. (Sunan Ad-Daraqutni: 1/250, Hadith: 935, and its chain is good.)
Sayyiduna Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) did not add these words from his own accord but rather in adherence to the Sunnah.
These words are also proven to be said in the Adhan by his son, Sayyiduna Abdullah bin Umar (may Allah be pleased with him).
(Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaybah: 1/208, and its chain is authentic.)
The words "As-Salatu Khayrun Minan-Nawm" have been part of the Fajr Adhan since the time of the Prophet (peace be upon him). The claim that these words were added to the Adhan by Sayyiduna Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) is baseless and false.