The Sunnah of Foot Placement During Prostration (Sajdah)

Author: Sheikh Mubashir Ahmad Rabbani (May Allah protect him)


What is the Sunnah method for placing the feet during prostration (sajdah)?


During prostration, the Sunnah is to:
  1. Stand both feet upright: The toes should face the direction of the qiblah.
  2. Join the heels: The heels should be kept together, maintaining the proper posture.
This method is supported by authentic narrations:

Evidence from the Sunnah

  1. Narration from Aisha (رضي الله عنها):
    Aisha (رضي الله عنها) reported:
    "The Prophet (ﷺ) was on my bed. During the night, I did not find him, so I began searching for him. My hand fell on the soles of his feet while he was in the mosque in prostration, and his feet were upright."
    [Saheeh Muslim, Book of Prayer, Hadith no. 486]
  2. Narration about the Position of Toes and Heels:
    In another narration, it is mentioned:
    "I found him in prostration, his heels joined, and the tips of his toes facing the qiblah."
    [Ibn Khuzaymah, Vol. 1, Pg. 128; Al-Bayhaqi, Al-Sunan Al-Kubra, Vol. 1, Pg. 116; Al-Hakim, Vol. 1, Pg. 128]

Key Points Regarding Foot Placement in Sajdah

  1. Upright Feet:
    • The feet should not lie flat on the ground; rather, they should be kept upright, with the toes actively pressing toward the qiblah.
  2. Direction of Toes:
    • The toes must face the qiblah, aligning the entire body with the direction of prayer.
  3. Heels Together:
    • The heels should ideally touch each other, as this is the method described in the Sunnah.

Why Is This Important?

  1. Following the Sunnah:
    • Adhering to this method reflects the Prophet’s (ﷺ) practice, ensuring the correctness and completeness of the prayer.
  2. Maintaining Body Alignment:
    • Proper foot placement ensures the entire body aligns toward the qiblah during prayer, demonstrating humility and submission to Allah.


The Sunnah method of foot placement during sajdah involves keeping the feet upright, directing the toes toward the qiblah, and joining the heels together. This posture, supported by authentic narrations, should be observed to align with the practice of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ).

Allah knows best!