The Ruling on Women Cutting Hair

Fatwa: Dar al-Ifta Committee


A woman performed the obligatory Hajj and completed all the rituals of Hajj, but due to lack of awareness or forgetfulness, she did not cut her hair. After returning to her homeland, she engaged in all those actions that are prohibited for a person in the state of Ihram. What is obligatory upon her now?


If the situation is as stated in the question, where she performed all the rituals of Hajj except cutting her hair due to lack of awareness or forgetfulness, then upon realization, it is obligatory for her to cut her hair with the intention of completing Hajj, even while residing in her homeland. There will be no expiation required due to her not cutting her hair.

If her husband had intercourse with her before cutting the hair (and within the boundaries of the Haram), she will be required to offer a dam, which could be a sheep, one-seventh of a cow, or one-seventh of a camel. (These sacrifices must be given in Makkah for the poor of Makkah). However, if intercourse took place outside the boundaries of the Haram, then the sacrificial animal can be slaughtered anywhere, and the meat can be distributed among the general poor.

وبالله التوفيق وصلى الله على نبينا محمد وآله وصحبه وسلم​