The Ruling on a Woman Marrying Without a Guardian (Wali)

Authored by: Shaykh Mubashar Ahmad Rabbani (حفظہ اللہ)


What is the Islamic ruling on a woman who conducts her own marriage without the permission of her guardian (wali)? Will such a marriage be valid?


Islam places great emphasis on marriage as a means to safeguard modesty and chastity, protecting individuals from immorality. A valid marriage (nikah) must fulfill certain conditions prescribed by the Quran and Sunnah. One of these conditions is the permission of the woman’s guardian (wali).

If a woman marries without the consent of her wali, such a marriage is invalid and void in Islamic law. This is because wali’s involvement is a fundamental requirement for the validity of a marriage contract.

Evidence from the Quran

  1. Surah Al-Baqarah (2:221):

    "Do not marry polytheistic women until they believe…"
    Imam Al-Qurtubi (رحمه الله) explains:
    "This verse is clear evidence that there is no marriage without a guardian."
    (Tafsir Al-Qurtubi, Vol. 3, Pg. 49)
  2. Surah Al-Baqarah (2:232):

    "Do not prevent them from marrying their [former] husbands if they agree among themselves on an acceptable basis."
    This verse, revealed about a guardian withholding consent, underscores the importance of the wali’s role in the marriage process.
  3. Surah An-Nisa (4:25):

    "So marry them with the permission of their people [guardians]."
    This clearly shows that the consent of the guardian is a prerequisite for marriage.

Evidence from Hadith

  1. Sahih Bukhari:
    Aisha (رضي الله عنها) described pre-Islamic marriage practices where women would marry without a wali. When Islam was revealed, the Prophet (ﷺ) abolished these practices and established that:

    "A marriage is only valid with the permission of the guardian."
    (Sahih Bukhari, Hadith 5127)
  2. Sunan Abu Dawood:
    The Prophet (ﷺ) said:

    "Any woman who marries without the permission of her guardian, her marriage is invalid, invalid, invalid."
    (Sunan Abu Dawood, Book of Marriage, Hadith 2083)
  3. Sunan Tirmidhi:
    Abu Musa Al-Ashari (رضي الله عنه) narrated:

    "There is no marriage except with a guardian."
    (Sunan Tirmidhi, Hadith 1102)
  4. Ibn Majah:
    The Prophet (ﷺ) said:

    "Marriage is part of my Sunnah. Whoever does not act upon my Sunnah is not from me."
    (Sunan Ibn Majah, Hadith 1846)

Scholarly Consensus

  1. Imam Malik (رحمه الله):

    "Marriage without a guardian is invalid."
    (Kitab Al-Muwatta)
  2. Imam Ibn Qudamah (رحمه الله):

    "A marriage conducted without the permission of the guardian is invalid, and the woman has no right to marry herself or anyone else without her wali’s approval."
    (Al-Mughni, Vol. 7, Pg. 345)
  3. Imam Shafi’i (رحمه الله):

    "A marriage without a guardian is null and void."
    (Kitab Al-Umm)
  4. Sufyan Ath-Thawri (رحمه الله):

    "A marriage without a guardian is impermissible, and a woman cannot act as her own guardian."
    (Fiqh of Sufyan Ath-Thawri, Pg. 793)


  1. Invalidity of Marriage Without Wali:
    A woman cannot conduct her own marriage without the consent of her guardian. Such a marriage is invalid according to the Quran, Sunnah, and consensus of scholars.
  2. Steps to Rectify the Situation:
    • If such a marriage has taken place, it must be annulled.
    • The parties involved must ensure compliance with Islamic guidelines before entering into a valid marital relationship.
  3. Importance of Wali in Protecting Interests:
    The guardian acts in the best interest of the woman, ensuring her welfare and safeguarding her from harm.
And Allah knows best.