Authored by: Dr. Rida Abdullah Pasha (Hafizahullah)
"When fragrance is offered to someone, they should not refuse it, for it is light in its offering and pleasant in its scent."
[Sunan Abu Dawood, Hadith 4172; Musnad Ahmad, 2/320]
This Hadith highlights the virtue of accepting fragrance as an act of kindness and the inherent purity of its nature.
The Significance of Fragrance:
Abu Hurairah (RA) narrated that the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said:"When fragrance is offered to someone, they should not refuse it, for it is light in its offering and pleasant in its scent."
[Sunan Abu Dawood, Hadith 4172; Musnad Ahmad, 2/320]
This Hadith highlights the virtue of accepting fragrance as an act of kindness and the inherent purity of its nature.
Fragrance: A Symbol of Purity and a Repellent for Shaytan
- Fragrance and Angels:
- Fragrance is beloved to the angels because it symbolizes purity and cleanliness. Angels are attracted to environments that are clean, fragrant, and free from impurities.
- Fragrance and Shaytan:
- Shaytan, by contrast, is repelled by pleasant fragrances. He prefers unclean and foul-smelling environments, which are the opposite of what angels are drawn to.
- Shaytan thrives in places of filth and corruption, which align with his nature as a being associated with impurity and mischief.
- Human Souls and Fragrance:
- Pure souls: These are naturally inclined toward cleanliness, purity, and good scents.
- Corrupt souls: These are drawn to filth, bad smells, and impure environments.
- Allah describes this distinction in the Quran:
"Evil women are for evil men, and evil men are for evil women. Good women are for good men, and good men are for good women. Such people are innocent of what they say. For them is forgiveness and a noble provision."
[Surah An-Nur (24:26)] - This verse highlights the harmony between purity and goodness and the natural separation between good and evil.
Practical Lessons:
- Maintain a Clean and Fragrant Environment:
- Keeping homes, bodies, and surroundings clean and fragrant helps repel Shaytan and attract angels.
- Adopt the Sunnah of Using Fragrance:
- The Prophet (ﷺ) loved using pleasant fragrances and encouraged it as a practice for both men and women (within the boundaries of Islamic guidelines).
- Avoid Foul Smells and Filth:
- Shaytan is attracted to environments of filth and bad odor. By maintaining personal and environmental hygiene, a believer ensures that their surroundings are free from his influence.