A Misconception:
If Satan can mislead people everywhere, can't the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) be present everywhere too? Here’s the response:Not a single Satan is assigned to mislead the entire world; instead, a companion from the jinn is assigned to each person to mislead them throughout their life.
Abdullah ibn Mas'ud (RA) narrates that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:
"None of you but has his companion from the jinn." The Companions asked, "Even you, O Messenger of Allah?" He replied, "Even me, except that Allah helped me against him, so he accepted Islam and does not order me but for good."
(Sahih Muslim, Book of Characteristics of the Hypocrites, Hadith 7108)
And Aisha (RA) narrated, "Every human has a companion (devil)." (Sahih Muslim)
The Quran says:
"The companion (Satan) will say on the Day of Judgment, ‘Our Lord, I did not make him transgress, but he was himself in far error.’" (Surah Qaf:27)
Key Points:
- Satan (Iblis) does not work alone but sends other demons to mislead people and sow discord.
- Jabir (RA) reported that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, "Iblis places his throne over water and then sends his detachments (of demons) to incite people into sin and create strife. The most inferior among them in rank is the one who is most successful in sowing discord. He returns to Iblis to report the discord he spread, and Iblis draws him close and says, 'You have done well.'" (Sahih Muslim, Mishkat al-Masabih Book of Faith, Chapter on Whisperings)
As for the claim that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is present and sees everything everywhere, this too is entirely contrary to the Quran and Hadith. The Prophet (PBUH) neither knew the unseen nor was omnipresent. Allah Almighty informed him through revelation whenever He willed, and the Prophet (PBUH) was unaware of matters until revelation came.
Allah Almighty states:
"Say, 'I do not say to you that I possess the treasures of Allah, nor do I know the unseen, nor do I say that I am an angel. I only follow what is revealed to me.'" (Surah Al-An'am, Ayah 50)
The Prophet (PBUH) emphasized that he follows only the revelation that comes to him, and he only spoke of the unseen when revealed to him by Allah. The knowledge of the unseen is exclusively with Allah, the Lord of the worlds.
Allah’s command is clear:
"Say, 'None in the heavens and the earth knows the unseen except Allah, and they do not perceive when they will be resurrected.'" (Surah An-Naml, Ayah 65)
Translation:Say (O Muhammad PBUH), "No one among those in the heavens or on the earth knows the unseen, except Allah, and they do not even know when they will be resurrected."
Consider these verses about the belief in omnipresence:
"And you (O Muhammad) were not on the western side when We decreed to Moses the command, and you were not among the witnesses. But We produced many generations [after Moses], and prolonged was their duration. And you were not a dweller among the people of Madyan, reciting Our verses to them, but We were the senders [of this message]. And you were not at the side of the mount when We called [Moses]. But [you are sent] as a mercy from your Lord to warn a people to whom no warner had come before you, that they might remember." (Surah Al-Qasas, Ayahs 44-46)
Translation: And when We sent the command to Moses, you were not on the western side of the Mount, nor were you among the witnesses. But We produced many generations [after Moses], and their lifespans were prolonged. You were not residing among the people of Madyan, reciting Our verses to them. We alone were the senders of the messengers. And you were not at the side of the mount when We called [Moses], but it is a mercy from your Lord to warn a people to whom no warner had come before you, so they might take heed.
Since you are a true prophet of Allah, Allah has informed you of past events through revelation, otherwise, you were not present at those locations when those events occurred.
"And Allah would not punish them while you are among them, and Allah would not punish them while they seek forgiveness." (Surah Al-Anfal, Ayah 33)
Translation:And Allah would not bring punishment while you were among them, nor would He punish them while they seek forgiveness.
This shows that punishment would not descend on the people due to your presence. Now that you are no longer present, various forms of punishment are descending.
"And when you are among them and lead them in prayer..." (Surah An-Nisa, Ayah 103)
Translation:And (O Prophet), when you are among them (the army of the Mujahideen) and you lead them in prayer...
This verse indicates that when the Prophet (PBUH) was present, he would lead the prayer, and now that he is not, others are leading the prayers.
For further references, see Surah Yusuf, Ayah 102, Surah Hud, Ayah 49, Surah Al-Imran, Ayah 44, etc. If the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is considered omnipresent, then all events of the Isra and Mi'raj and the migration would become invalid. In the event of Mi'raj, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) traveled from Mecca to Jerusalem (see Surah Al-Isra, Ayah 1) and then ascended to the heavens and Sidrat al-Muntaha (see Surah An-Najm, Ayahs 13-18).
This indicates that when you were at Masjid Al-Aqsa, you were not in Mecca, and when you ascended to the heavens, you were not on earth; similarly, when you migrated to Medina, you were not in Mecca, although the idolaters of Mecca were actively searching for you. Thus, it is understood that the belief in omnipresence is not from the teachings of Islam but was fabricated by the idolaters of the fourteenth century. This is what I have, and Allah knows best.
Note: Discussing the knowledge of the accursed Satan in comparison to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is disrespectful to him. May Allah protect every Muslim from disrespecting His beloved Prophet. Ameen)