Compiled by: Dr. Raza Abdullah Pasha (Hafizahullah)
“Sayyida Aisha (RA) became seriously ill, and her illness prolonged. A man from Madinah, known for his healing abilities, arrived, and Aisha’s nephew took her to consult him regarding her condition. The man said: ‘By Allah! This woman has been afflicted by magic, and it is her slave woman who has cast the spell.’
When asked, the slave woman admitted:
‘I wanted her to die so that I could be free.’ (The slave was mudabbirah, meaning she would be freed after her master’s death.)
Sayyida Aisha (RA) then said:
‘Sell her to the worst masters among the Arabs and use the proceeds to buy another slave.’”
[Sahih - Musnad Ahmad 4/40, Hadith No. 24172; Al-Muwatta by Imam Malik 2/422; Musannaf Abd al-Razzaq 10/183]
The Incident:
There is a narration regarding Sayyida Aisha (RA) and an incident where she was afflicted by magic. A significant narration supporting this account comes from Umrah (RA), who stated:“Sayyida Aisha (RA) became seriously ill, and her illness prolonged. A man from Madinah, known for his healing abilities, arrived, and Aisha’s nephew took her to consult him regarding her condition. The man said: ‘By Allah! This woman has been afflicted by magic, and it is her slave woman who has cast the spell.’
When asked, the slave woman admitted:
‘I wanted her to die so that I could be free.’ (The slave was mudabbirah, meaning she would be freed after her master’s death.)
Sayyida Aisha (RA) then said:
‘Sell her to the worst masters among the Arabs and use the proceeds to buy another slave.’”
[Sahih - Musnad Ahmad 4/40, Hadith No. 24172; Al-Muwatta by Imam Malik 2/422; Musannaf Abd al-Razzaq 10/183]
Key Lessons from the Incident:
- Magic is Real and Can Harm Even Pious Individuals:
- Even the most devout and pious, such as Aisha (RA), can be affected by magic, emphasizing that its effects are a reality acknowledged in Islam.
- Magic’s Harmful Intentions:
- The slave woman admitted that her intent was to cause Aisha (RA)’s death for personal gain, demonstrating how magic is often motivated by jealousy or malice.
- Islamic Response to Magic:
- Aisha (RA)’s response was to ensure that the slave woman was sold to strict masters, ensuring that her harmful intentions were curbed and justice was served within the bounds of Shari’ah.
What to Learn from This Incident:
- Protection through Quranic remedies:
Reciting Surah Al-Falaq, Surah An-Nas, and Ayat-ul-Kursi regularly is essential to protect oneself from magic. - Rely on Allah:
Even during affliction, one should maintain faith and reliance on Allah for protection and cure. - Seek Justice:
Aisha (RA) took appropriate action within Islamic guidelines to prevent further harm while avoiding personal revenge.