The Evil Eye Can Lead a Person to the Grave and a Camel to the Cooking Pot

Authored by: Dr. Raza Abdullah Pasha (Hafizahullah)

Hadith Evidence:

  1. Narration of Asma bint Umais (RA):
    Asma bint Umais (RA) reported that she said:
    O Messenger of Allah! My son, Ja’far, has been afflicted by the evil eye. Should I perform Ruqyah for him? The Prophet ﷺ replied:
«نعم، فلو كان شيء يسبق القضاء لسبقته العين»
“Yes, for if anything could precede divine decree, it would be the evil eye.”
(Sunan At-Tirmidhi, Book of Medicine, Hadith No. 2059; Musnad Ahmad, 6/438)

Narration of Jabir (RA):
Jabir (RA) reported that the Prophet ﷺ said:

«إن العين لتدخل الرجل القبر والجمل القدر»

“Indeed, the evil eye can send a man to his grave and a camel to the cooking pot.”
(Hasan: Al-Hilyah, 7/90; Musnad Ash-Shihab, Hadith No. 1057, 1249)
Shaykh Albani has classified this narration as authentic (Sahih).


  • The evil eye is real, and its effects can be so severe that they may lead to death or serious harm.
  • The reference to a camel being “sent to the cooking pot” indicates how an afflicted animal can fall ill and die, becoming food for others due to the effects of the evil eye.
  • Some people possess an especially harmful gaze due to their malicious nature (khabeeth-un-nafs), causing harm merely by looking at others.


The evil eye is a powerful reality in Islam, acknowledged by the Prophet ﷺ. It can cause physical and emotional harm, even leading to death if unchecked. Therefore, it is crucial to seek protection through Ruqyah and the recitation of prescribed supplications from the Sunnah.