Written by: Sheikh Mubashir Ahmad Rabbani (Hafizahullah)
«لا يدخل الجنة لحم نبت من السحت وكل لحم نبت من السحت كانت النار أولى به»
"The flesh that is nourished by haram (forbidden) will not enter Paradise, and the fire of Hell is more deserving of any flesh that is nourished by haram."
[Musnad Ahmad 321/3; Al-Mustadrak Al-Hakim 422/4]
Will a person who consumes haram food not enter Paradise?Answer:
The Prophet ﷺ said:«لا يدخل الجنة لحم نبت من السحت وكل لحم نبت من السحت كانت النار أولى به»
"The flesh that is nourished by haram (forbidden) will not enter Paradise, and the fire of Hell is more deserving of any flesh that is nourished by haram."
[Musnad Ahmad 321/3; Al-Mustadrak Al-Hakim 422/4]
- Imam Hakim and Imam Dhahabi (Rahimahullah) have authenticated this Hadith.
- Imam Ibn Hibban (Rahimahullah) has also classified it as authentic. [Mawarid Al-Zam’an, p. 378]
Explanation of the Hadith:
- This Hadith emphasizes the severe consequences of consuming haram food. Any nourishment derived from haram sources will be deprived of entry to Paradise.
- Instead, the punishment for such individuals will be Hellfire, as it is more deserving of the flesh that grew through impermissible means.
- The message is clear: earning and consuming lawful sustenance is a fundamental requirement for a believer seeking Allah’s pleasure and the reward of Paradise.
Key Lessons:
- Consuming haram not only affects one’s spiritual state but also has dire consequences in the Hereafter.
- Muslims must be vigilant in ensuring that their food, earnings, and lifestyle are in accordance with Islamic principles.
- Purity of income and consumption is linked to one’s acceptance by Allah and ultimate success in the Hereafter.