The Best Solution to the Issue of Unmarried Women Remaining Single (Anusah)

Is it correct to believe that the best solution to the issue of unmarried women remaining single (anusah) — a prevalent issue in our society — is for men to marry multiple wives?

Yes, without a doubt, one of the causes and solutions to the issue of unmarried women remaining single lies in the practice of polygyny (men marrying more than one wife). For a woman, marrying a man who will care for her, protect her honor and chastity, and bless her with children is far better than remaining unmarried. Staying single not only deprives her of the numerous benefits of marriage but also exposes her to trials and temptations.

Wisdom Behind Polygyny

One of the great wisdoms behind the permissibility of polygyny in Islam is addressing such societal issues. Polygyny is often more beneficial for women than for men. For a woman, enduring the challenges of co-wives is far better than missing out on the many benefits and blessings of marriage, including:
  • The fulfillment of emotional, physical, and social needs.
  • The protection of her dignity and chastity.
  • The opportunity to have children and raise a family.

Balancing Benefits and Harms

A wise person always compares the benefits and harms, weighing the advantages against the disadvantages. In this case, the benefits of marriage and polygyny far outweigh any potential difficulties or harms associated with it. Based on this principle, the solution to the issue of unmarried women is found in encouraging the practice of polygyny, which addresses societal challenges more effectively.


Marriage provides women with dignity, protection, and fulfillment, while polygyny offers a practical solution to societal issues like the growing number of unmarried women. From an Islamic perspective, the advantages of this practice surpass its drawbacks, and it is a means to bring stability and balance to society. Allah knows best.

(Shaykh Muqbil bin Hadi al-Wadi’i رحمه الله)