Hadith on the Method of Tayammum
Narration from Shqiq ibn Salamah (RA), as reported in Sahih Bukhari:It is narrated from ‘Ammar (RA) that he said: "I rolled in the dust just as an animal rolls in it. Then, I mentioned this to the Prophet ﷺ, and he said: ‘It would have been sufficient for you to do this: Strike your hands on the ground once, then shake them off, and wipe the back of your right hand with your left, or the back of your left hand with your right, and then wipe your face with them.’”

Key Lessons:
✔ 1. Tayammum as a Replacement for Wudu – Tayammum is a substitute for wudu when water is unavailable or when using water is harmful due to illness. However, there is no substitute for tayammum itself.✔ 2. Validity of Tayammum – Tayammum remains valid as long as water is unavailable. Even in the case of ritual impurity (janabah), tayammum suffices if water is not accessible.
✔ 3. The Proper Material for Tayammum – Pure dust or any naturally clean earthly material can be used for tayammum. Impure substances cannot be used.
✔ 4. Tayammum and Intention – Intention (niyyah) is essential when performing tayammum. It nullifies just as wudu does and must be performed correctly by striking both hands once on the earth, shaking them, and wiping the face and hands.
✔ 5. Tayammum Becomes Invalid Upon Finding Water – If water is found after performing tayammum, one must perform wudu before continuing worship.
✔ 6. Making Effort in Religious Matters – If one faces an issue while traveling and has no guidance, they may use their best judgment, just as ‘Ammar (RA) did. The Prophet ﷺ did not rebuke him but instead taught the correct method of tayammum.
Hadith on Completing Wudu Properly
Narration from Khalid ibn Ma‘dan (RA), reported in Sunan Abu Dawood:One of the companions of the Prophet ﷺ saw a man who had a dry spot the size of a dirham (coin) on his foot that water had not reached. The Prophet ﷺ commanded him to repeat his wudu and salah.

Key Lessons:
✔ 1. Completing Wudu Properly – Every part of the body that is required to be washed in wudu must be fully covered with water. If any part remains dry, the wudu is incomplete and must be repeated.✔ 2. Incomplete Wudu Invalidates Salah – If wudu is not done correctly, the subsequent salah is also invalid and must be repeated.
✔ 3. Wudu is Essential for Valid Salah – A complete wudu ensures a complete and valid prayer.