Tafsir Al-Jalalayn – An Unauthentic Commentary

Authored by: Sheikh Muhammad Al-Hamoud Al-NajdiTranslated by: Hafiz Muhammad Ijaz Saqi

Names of the Commentators:

This commentary is the work of the following two commentators:

➊ Jalaluddin Al-Mahalli, Muhammad bin Ahmed, the commentator, the Usuli, the Shafi'i (791-874 AH)

➋ Jalaluddin Al-Suyuti, Abdul Rahman bin Abu Bakr (849-911 AH)

Name of the Commentary: Al-Jalalayn

General Characteristics of This Commentary:

This commentary involves the collaboration of two scholars named Jalal. Jalaluddin Al-Mahalli started this commentary from Surah Al-Kahf to Surah An-Nas. After beginning from Surah Al-Fatiha, he passed away. Subsequently, Jalaluddin Al-Suyuti completed it. He wrote from Surah Al-Fatiha to Surah Al-Isra. This commentary is concise and comprehensive. Due to its brevity and ease, it is popular among people.


Both authors were Ash'ari interpreters.

Interpretations of Divine Attributes by Jalaluddin Al-Mahalli:

Jalaluddin Al-Mahalli interpreted the attribute of "Mercy" as "intention of good for the deserving of mercy" as mentioned in the explanation of "Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem." In the explanation of "Al-Wadud," he writes: "Beloved to His friends." He interpreted the attribute of "Hayaa" as "abandonment," which is an essential quality of "Hayaa" (modesty), as evident in the verse:

"And Allah does not shy away from the truth."

[Al-Ahzab: 53]

He interpreted "Love" in the verse:"Indeed, Allah loves those who fight in His cause in rows."

[As-Saff: 4]

as "help and honor."

He interpreted the attribute of "Qabzah" as "ownership and authority" and "Yameen" as "power," in Allah's statement:

"And the earth will be in His grip on the Day of Resurrection, and the heavens will be folded in His right hand."

[Az-Zumar: 67]

In the verse:

"And your Lord will come and the angels, rank upon rank."

[Al-Fajr: 22]

he interpreted the attribute of "coming" as "the coming of Allah's command." However, in the verse:

"Looking at their Lord."

[Al-Qiyamah: 23]

he affirmed the believers' vision of their Lord on the Day of Resurrection.

In the verses concerning "Istiwaa," he says it is as befits His Majesty, which is a general statement, and then in the explanation of:

"To Him ascends the good word."

[Fatir: 10]

he writes: "i.e., He knows it."

Interpretations by Jalaluddin Al-Suyuti:

He interpreted the attribute of "Hayaa" in the verse:

"Indeed, Allah is not shy to present an example - that of a mosquito or what is smaller than it."

[Al-Baqarah: 26]

as "abandonment."

In the verse:

"They hope for Allah's mercy."

[Al-Baqarah: 218]

he interpreted the attribute of "Mercy" as "reward."

In the verse:

"Allah mocks them."

[Al-Baqarah: 15]

he interpreted the attribute of "mockery" as "requital of mockery."

In the verse:

"Say, 'If you love Allah, then follow me, Allah will love you.'"

[Aal-e-Imran: 31]

he interpreted the attribute of "Love" as "reward."

Regarding the verse:

"Do they await except that Allah should come to them in covers of clouds and the angels?"

[Al-Baqarah: 210]

he says that "coming" means "the coming of Allah's command."

In the verse:

"Rather, both His hands are extended; He spends however He wills."

[Al-Ma'idah: 64]

he interpreted "hands" as "exaggeration in generosity and abundant benefit," because a generous person gives with his hands.

Hadiths and Chains:

In this commentary, the hadiths, reasons for revelation, and the traditions of the predecessors are often mentioned without chains or references. Occasionally, references are provided.

Jurisprudential Rulings:

Concise and preferred jurisprudential opinions are mentioned.

Language, Grammar, and Poetry:

The structure is briefly mentioned.


Briefly mentions well-known readings.

Approach Towards Israeli Narrations:

In the interpretation of some verses, Israeli narrations are mentioned without criticism, including some that disrespect certain prophets, as in the false story of the trial of Dawood (AS) mentioned in the interpretation of Surah Sad.