Compiled by: Dr. Raza Abdullah Pasha (Hafizahullah)
"And they followed what the devils had recited during the reign of Sulaiman. Sulaiman did not disbelieve, but the devils disbelieved, teaching people magic and that which was revealed to the two angels at Babylon—Harut and Marut. But they (the two angels) did not teach anyone until they said, 'We are only a trial, so do not disbelieve [by practicing magic].' And [yet] they learned from them that by which they caused separation between a man and his wife. But they could not harm anyone except by permission of Allah. And they learned what harmed them and did not benefit them. But they certainly knew that whoever purchased it would have no share in the Hereafter, and wretched is that for which they sold themselves, if they only knew." [Al-Baqarah: 102]
The Jews used to frequently ask the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) about matters of the Torah, and the Prophet (ﷺ) would provide answers. Once, they questioned him about magic, and this verse was revealed as a response.
② Another Narration, Reported by Imam Ibn Ishaq:
When Sulaiman (AS) was mentioned in the Qur’an, the Jews of Madinah expressed disbelief and said, “Are you not amazed by Muhammad (ﷺ), who claims that Sulaiman, the son of Dawud (AS), was a prophet? By Allah, he was nothing but a sorcerer!” In response to this false claim, this verse was revealed to clarify the truth about Sulaiman (AS).
This report is mentioned in Al-Jami‘ li Ahkam al-Qur’an and referenced in Zad al-Masir (1/122).
What is the Context of the Revelation of This Verse:
وَاتَّبَعُوا مَا تَتْلُو الشَّیَاطِینُ عَلَى مُلْکِ سُلَیْمَانAnswer:
The verse refers to the following passage from the Qur’an:"And they followed what the devils had recited during the reign of Sulaiman. Sulaiman did not disbelieve, but the devils disbelieved, teaching people magic and that which was revealed to the two angels at Babylon—Harut and Marut. But they (the two angels) did not teach anyone until they said, 'We are only a trial, so do not disbelieve [by practicing magic].' And [yet] they learned from them that by which they caused separation between a man and his wife. But they could not harm anyone except by permission of Allah. And they learned what harmed them and did not benefit them. But they certainly knew that whoever purchased it would have no share in the Hereafter, and wretched is that for which they sold themselves, if they only knew." [Al-Baqarah: 102]
Context of Revelation (Asbāb al-Nuzūl)
① The Reason for the Revelation, According to Imam Abu al-‘Aliyah:The Jews used to frequently ask the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) about matters of the Torah, and the Prophet (ﷺ) would provide answers. Once, they questioned him about magic, and this verse was revealed as a response.
② Another Narration, Reported by Imam Ibn Ishaq:
When Sulaiman (AS) was mentioned in the Qur’an, the Jews of Madinah expressed disbelief and said, “Are you not amazed by Muhammad (ﷺ), who claims that Sulaiman, the son of Dawud (AS), was a prophet? By Allah, he was nothing but a sorcerer!” In response to this false claim, this verse was revealed to clarify the truth about Sulaiman (AS).
This report is mentioned in Al-Jami‘ li Ahkam al-Qur’an and referenced in Zad al-Masir (1/122).