Slaughtering a Seized Goat and Its Islamic Ruling

Author: Dr. Muhammad Zia-ur-Rahman Azmi (رحمہ اللہ)

Definition of Ghasb (Seizing Someone’s Property by Force)

Ghasb refers to unlawfully taking possession of something by force.

What If a Seized Goat Is Slaughtered?

Ghasb (seizing someone’s property) is strictly haram (forbidden). Allah Almighty states in the Quran:

"And do not consume one another’s wealth unjustly."
[Surah Al-Baqarah: 188]

The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) also said:

"Indeed, your blood, your wealth, and your honor are sacred and forbidden to one another."
[Sahih Bukhari, Hadith 67; Sahih Muslim, 1679/29]

Islamic Ruling on the Slaughtered Seized Goat

  • If the seized goat is slaughtered according to the Shari’ah-compliant method, its meat can be eaten.
  • The one who committed ghasb must compensate the original owner with the goat’s value.
  • The person must also repent (make tawbah) and seek forgiveness (istighfar) from Allah.
  • Additionally, the individual should not derive personal benefit from the seized property. Instead, any gain or benefit from it should be given as charity to the poor and needy.
Reference: [Permanent Committee for Islamic Research and Fatwa: 6522]