Shayatin Roam in the Evening – Islamic Guidance

Hadith on Evening Precautions:

Jabir bin Abdullah (رضي الله عنه) narrated that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said:

"When the night spreads, and evening sets in, keep your children indoors, for the devils spread out at that time. When a part of the night has passed, let them go. Close the doors and mention Allah’s name, for the devils do not open a closed door. Tie your water-skins and mention Allah’s name. Cover your utensils and mention Allah’s name, even if you only place something over them. And extinguish your lamps."
(Sahih Bukhari: 3316, 3380, 5623; Sahih Muslim: 2012)

Key Lessons from This Hadith:

Shayatin (devils) spread during the evening:

  • Children should not be allowed to go outside at this time, as they are more vulnerable.
  • Engaging in the remembrance of Allah (dhikr) is highly encouraged.
  • Doors should be locked at night, mentioning the name of Allah, as Shayatin cannot open closed doors.

Household Precautions for the Night:

  • Tie the openings of water containers (mashkiza) and mention Allah’s name over them.
  • Cover food and drink with lids or at least place a stick or cloth over them.
  • Extinguish lamps and fires before sleeping, to avoid harm or danger.

This guidance from the Prophet ﷺ serves both spiritual and practical benefits, ensuring protection from unseen harms and worldly dangers like fire accidents or contamination.

This content is taken from Sheikh Taqi al-Din Abi al-Fath’s book "Diya al-Islam fi Sharh al-Imam bi-Ahadith al-Ahkam", translated by Maulana Mahmood Ahmad Ghaznfar Sahib.