Safeguarding the Tongue

Author: Fazeelat al-Sheikh Hafiz Abdul Sattar Hamad (Hafidhahullah)

Hadith Reference

مَنْ يَضْمَنْ لِي مَا بَيْنَ لَحْيَيْهِ، وَمَا بَيْنَ رِجْلَيْهِ أَضْمَنْ لَهُ الْجَنَّةَ

"Whoever guarantees me (the proper use of) what is between their jaws (tongue) and what is between their legs (private parts), I guarantee them Paradise."
— [Sahih Bukhari, Kitab al-Riqaq: 6474]

Key Points

The Dangers of the Tongue:
Most disputes, conflicts, and even major sins are rooted in careless speech. The tongue is a powerful tool that, if misused, leads to significant harm. The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ emphasized safeguarding the tongue from all harmful, idle, and unnecessary speech.

Prophetic Guidance on Speech

  1. Control Your Tongue:
    The Prophet ﷺ was once asked about the path to salvation. He replied:
    "Control your tongue."
    — [Musnad Ahmad: 5/59]
  2. Accountability for Words:
    Mu’adh ibn Jabal (RA) once asked the Prophet ﷺ if people would be held accountable for their words. The Prophet ﷺ responded:
    "O Mu’adh, may your mother grieve for you! What throws people into Hell on their faces (or noses) other than the reckless utterances of their tongues?"
    — [Sunan Ibn Majah: 3973]
  3. Daily Appeal of Body Parts to the Tongue:
    The Prophet ﷺ described how each morning, all body parts plead with the tongue, saying:
    "Fear Allah regarding us, for we depend on you. If you are upright, we will be upright; if you deviate, we will deviate."
    — [Jami’ al-Tirmidhi, Kitab al-Zuhd: 2407]

Consequences of Careless Speech

Hellfire Due to Words:
The Prophet ﷺ warned that thoughtless speech can have dire consequences:
"A servant utters a word without considering its implications, and because of it, they fall into the depths of Hell further than the distance between the east and west."
— [Sahih Bukhari, Kitab al-Riqaq: 6488]

Impact on Relationships and Society:
Words spoken without consideration often lead to broken relationships, hurt feelings, and widespread social discord.

Practical Steps to Safeguard the Tongue

  1. Think Before You Speak:
    Evaluate whether your words are necessary, truthful, and beneficial before speaking.
  2. Avoid Idle Talk:
    Refrain from gossip, backbiting, and discussions that serve no constructive purpose.
  3. Engage in Remembrance of Allah (Dhikr):
    Channel your speech towards reciting Quran, making supplications, and engaging in positive discussions.
  4. Seek Forgiveness for Misuse of Speech:
    If you realize your words have caused harm, seek forgiveness from Allah and those affected.


Safeguarding the tongue is a critical aspect of Islamic character and spirituality. Misuse of speech not only harms individuals and communities but also leads to accountability in the Hereafter. By following the guidance of the Prophet ﷺ, believers can control their tongues, avoid harmful speech, and strive for the reward of Paradise.