Ruling on Women's Dress Code in the Bathhouse

This article is derived from the book "500 Questions and Answers for Women," which compiles fatwas from the scholars of the Haramain. The translation has been done by Hafiz Abdullah Saleem.


When it is permissible for a woman to enter a bathhouse (hammam), how much of her body is she required to cover?


  • It is necessary and obligatory for a woman to cover her private areas (satr and awrah) when in a bathhouse.
  • A sufficient level of covering includes wearing:
    • A vest (banyan) that conceals the upper body, and
    • Pants or trousers that extend to cover the legs up to the ankles or feet.
This level of covering is considered adequate and fulfills the requirement of modesty in such situations.


  • A woman entering a bathhouse must ensure her private areas are properly concealed by wearing appropriate clothing such as a vest and ankle-length pants.
  • This ruling is based on the opinion of Shaykh Muqbil bin Hadi Al-Wadi'i (may Allah have mercy on him).