Ruling on Women Driving Cars

This article is derived from the book 500 Questions and Answers for Women, which contains fatwas from the scholars of the Haramain. The translation is done by Hafiz Abdullah Saleem.


Is it permissible for a woman to drive a car within the city for necessary tasks, considering that Muslim women often face difficulties and harassment on the streets?


If a woman is beautiful and not unattractive, and the distance she covers while driving is such that it falls under the category of travel, and if there is no assurance of safety from potential tribulations, then the car has essentially facilitated corruption and sin for her. However, if the woman is trustworthy and reliable—and such women are rare—then there is no harm in her driving a car.

It is narrated in Musnad Imam Ahmad from Amr ibn al-As (رضي الله عنه) that the Prophet (ﷺ) saw a speckled crow, and in some narrations, a red-legged and beaked crow, and said:

"الصالحات من النساء كهذا"

("Righteous women are like this.")
[Authentic – Musnad Ahmad 4/197]

Thus, very few women who drive cars will remain free from trials. Otherwise, in many instances, driving a car can become a means for them to fall into corruption and sin, or to facilitate meetings with their companions.

(Shaykh Muqbil bin Hadi al-Wadi'i رحمه الله)