Ruling on Sacrificing and Supplicating in the Name of Saints

Author: Allama Abdullah bin Abdul Rahman Al-Jibreen (May Allah protect him)


What is the ruling on sacrificing animals in the name of saints or seeking their help through supplications, such as calling upon Pir Badawi and others?


  1. Sacrificing Animals in the Name of Saints or Shrines
    • Sacrificing animals for anyone other than Allah, whether it is a saint, prophet, martyr, or any other entity, is impermissible and falls under major shirk (shirk akbar).
    • The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said:
      "May Allah curse the one who sacrifices for other than Allah."
      [Saheeh Muslim, Book of Sacrifices, Hadith no. 1978]
    • This includes sacrifices at graves, shrines, or specific places believed to bring blessings. Such acts are haram because they are a form of veneration and reverence that is due only to Allah.
    • Even if Allah’s name is mentioned during the act of sacrifice, it remains forbidden if the intention is to honor or seek blessings from a saint or any other entity. The meat of such sacrifices is also haram to consume.
  2. Supplicating to Saints or Seeking Their Help
    • Calling upon saints like Pir Badawi, Abdul Qadir Jilani, Imam Hussein, or others for help, relief, or intercession constitutes major shirk (shirk akbar) because it is an act of worship directed toward someone other than Allah.
    • Allah says:
      "And the mosques are for Allah, so do not invoke anyone along with Allah."
      [Surah Al-Jinn: 18]
    • Saints, prophets, angels, and the dead are all created beings who cannot bring benefit or harm to themselves, let alone to others. They have no power over life, death, or resurrection.
      • Allah states:
        "Indeed, those you invoke besides Allah are servants like you. So call upon them and let them respond to you, if you should be truthful."
        [Surah Al-A‘raf: 194]
  3. Why These Acts Are Forbidden
    • Acts like sacrificing animals or making supplications to saints ascribe divine qualities to creation, undermining the core belief of tawhid (the Oneness of Allah).
    • They divert worship and reliance, which should be directed solely to Allah, toward His creation.

What Should Be Done Instead?

  1. Supplicating Only to Allah:
    • Muslims are obligated to direct their supplications, sacrifices, and all acts of worship exclusively to Allah.
    • Allah alone is the One who can benefit, harm, forgive, and fulfill needs.
  2. Praying for the Righteous:
    • Instead of seeking help from saints, Muslims should pray for them and emulate their righteous conduct.
  3. Avoiding Shrines and Practices of Shirk:
    • Avoid practices such as visiting shrines with the intention of seeking blessings or performing rituals that imply veneration of the deceased.


Sacrificing animals in the name of saints or seeking their help through supplications is prohibited and constitutes major shirk. All acts of worship, including supplication and sacrifice, must be directed solely to Allah. Muslims should instead follow the example of the righteous and pray for their well-being in the Hereafter.

Allah knows best!