Authored by: Shaykh Mubashar Ahmad Rabbani (Hafizahullah)
“The Messenger of Allah ﷺ prohibited two sales in one transaction.”
(Musnad Ahmad 2/432, Sunan Al-Bayhaqi 5/343)
“Whoever sells something with two different prices within a single contract will either take the lesser price or fall into usury (riba).”
(Ibn Hibban 8/226, Hadith No. 4953; Al-Mustadrak Al-Hakim 2/45)
Imam Al-Hakim graded this narration authentic according to the conditions of Imam Muslim, and Imam Al-Dhahabi agreed.
“Two deals within a single contract are not permissible.”
(Al-Ihsan bi Tartib Sahih Ibn Hibban 8/242)
Key Point:
When buying on installments, ensure that the price remains the same as it would be if paid in cash to avoid falling into prohibited transactions.
Is it permissible to purchase items on installments?Answer:
It is permissible to purchase items on installments if the prices are the same as they would be if paid in cash. However, if the price increases for the installment payment, then such transactions become impermissible.Evidence from Hadith:
- Narration of Abu Hurairah (RA):
“The Messenger of Allah ﷺ prohibited two sales in one transaction.”
(Musnad Ahmad 2/432, Sunan Al-Bayhaqi 5/343)
- Another Hadith:
The Prophet ﷺ said:
“Whoever sells something with two different prices within a single contract will either take the lesser price or fall into usury (riba).”
(Ibn Hibban 8/226, Hadith No. 4953; Al-Mustadrak Al-Hakim 2/45)
Imam Al-Hakim graded this narration authentic according to the conditions of Imam Muslim, and Imam Al-Dhahabi agreed.
- Statement of Abdullah bin Mas’ud (RA):
“Two deals within a single contract are not permissible.”
(Al-Ihsan bi Tartib Sahih Ibn Hibban 8/242)
- Explanation by Imam Sufyan Al-Thawri (RA):
He said:
“When a person says, ‘I am selling this item for this price if paid in cash and for a different price if paid on credit,’ then this constitutes ‘two sales in one transaction,’ which is invalid and the type of transaction that has been prohibited.”
(Abdur Razzaq 14632, Sharh Al-Sunnah 8/143) - Statement of Imam Samaak bin Harb (RA):
He explained:
“When a seller says, ‘I am selling this item for such and such a price on credit and for a different price if paid in cash,’ then this is exactly what is meant by the prohibition of ‘two sales in one transaction.’”
(Musnad Ahmad 1/398)
The evidence makes it clear that increasing the price for credit purchases is considered riba (usury), which is strictly prohibited in Islam. Engaging in such transactions is equivalent to indulging in usury, which invites Allah’s curse. Both the seller and the buyer should avoid such dealings to protect themselves from falling into sin.Key Point:
When buying on installments, ensure that the price remains the same as it would be if paid in cash to avoid falling into prohibited transactions.