Ruling on Amulets in Islam

Authored by: Dr. Raza Abdullah Pasha (May Allah Protect Him)

What is the Islamic Ruling on Amulets (Tamimah)?

Amulets (Tamimah) are not permissible in Islam. The practice of using amulets is strictly prohibited, as it falls into the category of actions linked with shirk (associating partners with Allah).

Evidence from Hadith:

Narration from Abu Hurairah (RA):

Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said:

من عقد عقدة ثم نفث فيها فقد سحر، ومن سحر فقد أشترك، ومن تعلق شيئا وكل إليه

“Whoever ties a knot and then blows into it has committed magic, and whoever practices magic has committed shirk (polytheism). And whoever hangs something (for protection), they will be left to that which they rely upon.”
(Narrated by Imam Nasa’i, 112/7, as a Marfu’ narration.
Imam Al-Albani graded this narration as weak. [Refer to Da'if al-Targhib wa al-Tarhib, Hadith No. 1788]

Key Points:

  1. Magic and Amulets Are Prohibited:
    • Tying knots and blowing into them is equated with magic (sihr).
    • Engaging in such practices is considered an act of shirk, as it involves reliance on other than Allah.
  2. Hanging Objects for Protection:
    • Any object, including an amulet, worn for protection is forbidden.
    • The wearer is left to the false protection of that object, abandoning reliance on Allah alone.
  3. Importance of Tawhid:
    • Islam emphasizes pure monotheism (Tawhid), which requires absolute trust and dependence on Allah alone for protection and well-being.


Using amulets (Tamimah) is impermissible in Islam and falls under the category of shirk. Believers are encouraged to place their complete reliance on Allah, using permissible means such as Quranic supplications and authentic prophetic practices for protection.