Regarding the Authenticity of Narrations about Sayyidina Uwais al-Qarni (رحمه الله)


Respected Hafiz Zubair Sahib, Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu. I have had some questions about Hazrat Uwais al-Qarni (رحمه الله) for quite some time. Kindly guide me by answering them.

  1. Is it true that upon hearing about the martyrdom of the blessed teeth of the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) during the Battle of Uhud, Uwais al-Qarni (رحمه الله) broke all his teeth? Is it permissible to do so and cause self-harm?
  2. Did the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) specifically instruct the Companions (رضي الله عنهم), especially Abu Bakr and Umar (رضي الله عنهما), to request Uwais (رحمه الله) for supplications? Is this true, considering that I believe the status of these two Companions is higher, and they are among the ten promised Paradise?
  3. Due to his preoccupation with serving his parents, he (رحمه الله) could not visit the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم). Serving parents is right, but I read somewhere that no one can be a true believer until he loves the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) more than his parents. Kindly correct and respond to this as well. (Wassalam, Liaqat Ali, Rawalpindi)

The narration that Sayyidina Uwais bin Amir al-Qarni (رحمه الله) broke all his teeth is baseless and a fabricated story that has become popular among ignorant people. There is no existence of this narration in the books of the Muhaddithin (Hadith scholars). It is not permissible to cause self-harm.

There was a difference of opinion among the scholars about Sayyidina Uwais al-Qarni (رحمه الله), but the correct and verified opinion is that his existence is proven.

The Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said:

إن خير التابعين رجل يقال له أويس، وله والدة، وكان به بياض، فمر وه فليستغفر لكم

"Among the best of the Tabi'in is a man called Uwais. He has a mother (who is alive), and he has a patch of whiteness (on his body). Tell him to ask for forgiveness for you."

[Sahih Muslim, Kitab Fadail al-Sahaba, Bab Min Fadail Uwais al-Qarni Hadith 2542, Darussalam numbering: 6491]

From this Hadith, it is clear that Uwais (رحمه الله) was Mustajab al-Da'awat, meaning his supplications were especially accepted by Allah. Another narration in Sahih Muslim indicates that due to his service to his mother, he could not visit the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم), and this was with the Prophet's (صلى الله عليه وسلم) approval.

There is no mention of Sayyidina Abu Bakr (رضي الله عنه) in the narrations regarding Uwais (رحمه الله). However, it is mentioned that Sayyidina Umar (رضي الله عنه) requested Uwais (رحمه الله) for supplication.

[Sahih Muslim, Darussalam numbering: 6492]

Asking for supplication from someone of a lower status is not an insult. Sayyidina Umar (رضي الله عنه) was superior to Sayyidina Abbas (رضي الله عنه), but he still requested him for the prayer of rain (Istisqa), as recorded in

[Sahih Bukhari 1010, 3710].

Important Note:

Uwais (رحمه الله) himself used to request supplication from other less prominent and non-elite individuals, as seen in

[Sahih Muslim Hadith 6492, Darussalam numbering].

Therefore, such concerns should not cause distress.

There is no doubt that a person cannot be a true believer until he loves the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) more than his parents, children, and all people. See:

[Sahih Bukhari: 15 and Sahih Muslim: 44].

However, this does not mean that it was obligatory for all the Tabi'in who embraced Islam during the Prophet's (صلى الله عليه وسلم) time to necessarily meet him, even if they had a legitimate excuse for not being able to do so. Moreover, I have mentioned earlier that Uwais's (رحمه الله) non-visit to Madinah was with the Prophet's (صلى الله عليه وسلم) approval; otherwise, the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) would have commanded him to come to Madinah. And Allah knows best.

Important Note:

The narration about Uwais al-Qarni is considered authentic by Imam Muslim and the majority of the Muhaddithin. Imam Bukhari's (رحمه الله) criticism on this is not correct.

(11th Dhul-Qi'dah 1427 AH)