Protecting Creation from Attributes Wrongly Ascribed to the Creator

Authored by: Shaykh al-Islam Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab (رحمہ اللہ)
Translated by: Maulana Mukhtar Ahmad Nadwi (حفظ اللہ)

One of the practices of the ignorant was that they tried to protect the creation from the very attributes they ascribed to the Creator. For example, they would prevent their scholars and pious individuals from marriage or having children because they believed that scholars and ascetics, who sought excellence and virtue, should refrain from being involved in acts like companionship with women, considering it a lesser pursuit. This notion was inspired by their view of Prophet Isa (عليه السلام), whom they claimed remained above such engagements.

This reflects the depth of their ignorance and misguidance. Consider how far astray their falsehood had led them—so much so that they even objected to the marriages of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ). Regarding such misconceptions, the Iraqi poet, Abdul Baqi Al-Omari Al-Faruqi, aptly responded to certain Christian scholars in his poetry:

"أنت الذي زعم الزواج نقيصة . . . ممن حماه الله عن نقصان"

"You are the one who considers marriage a flaw . . . for the one whom Allah protected from all flaws."

"ونسيت تزويج الإله بمريم . . . فى زعم كل مثلث نصراني"

"And you forgot the claim of the Trinity-believing Christians (God forbid) that Allah married Mary."

Similarly, the Arabs of ignorance, who would claim that angels were the daughters of Allah, simultaneously harbored hatred towards daughters, going so far as to bury them alive in a heinous practice. They attributed to Allah things they themselves deemed disgraceful for their own lives.

Key Insight:​

These misguided beliefs and practices stemmed from their lack of knowledge about the teachings of the Prophets and their ignorance of reason and intellect. People of understanding and reflection have no connection to such baseless ideas.