Authored by: Dr. Raza Abdullah Pasha (Hafizahullah)
➋ Restlessness — They will display signs of restlessness and agitation, unable to remain calm during the treatment.
➌ Uncontrollable crying — The patient may start crying suddenly without understanding the reason behind it and may be surprised by this reaction.
➍ Intense reactions during the recitation of verses related to magic — When Quranic verses specifically dealing with magic are recited, the patient may exhibit strong emotional or physical responses, such as shouting.
➎ Sleepiness or drowsiness — The individual may feel an unusual desire to sleep during the treatment.
➏ Swelling of certain body parts — This may appear especially on the stomach or face.
➐ Contraction of body parts — Shrinking or cramping of certain areas of the body, particularly in the limbs.
➑ Lack of responsiveness — The patient may not respond to the recitation or show urgency in seeking treatment, reflecting a passive or indifferent attitude.
Symptoms Observed During Quranic Recitation:
➊ Severe discomfort — The afflicted individual will experience extreme uneasiness during the recitation.➋ Restlessness — They will display signs of restlessness and agitation, unable to remain calm during the treatment.
➌ Uncontrollable crying — The patient may start crying suddenly without understanding the reason behind it and may be surprised by this reaction.
➍ Intense reactions during the recitation of verses related to magic — When Quranic verses specifically dealing with magic are recited, the patient may exhibit strong emotional or physical responses, such as shouting.
➎ Sleepiness or drowsiness — The individual may feel an unusual desire to sleep during the treatment.
➏ Swelling of certain body parts — This may appear especially on the stomach or face.
➐ Contraction of body parts — Shrinking or cramping of certain areas of the body, particularly in the limbs.
➑ Lack of responsiveness — The patient may not respond to the recitation or show urgency in seeking treatment, reflecting a passive or indifferent attitude.