Masah (Wiping)

Author: Hafiz Abu Yahya Noor Puri

"It is recommended to wipe the neck (nape)."

[Hadith aur Ahl-e-Hadith: 182]

Dear Readers!Observe the cunningness of the followers of Taqleed (blind following). When they did not find any Hadith regarding the wiping of the neck, they began to interpret the term "neck" as "nape" to protect their non-Sunnah Fiqh, despite our dispute being about wiping the sides of the neck with the back of the hands, not touching the nape while wiping the head. Even today, the Taqleed followers wipe the sides of the neck with the back of their hands. They should not evade this practice but instead remain steadfast and present a single "Sahih" Hadith supporting it, even until the Day of Judgment.

If you do not do it, and you will never do it, then fear the fire whose fuel is people and stones.Let’s examine their purported evidence:

Evidence No. 1:​

Ibn Umar reported that the Prophet ﷺ said, "Whoever performs ablution and wipes his neck, will be protected from the collar (that will be placed) on the Day of Judgment."

[Al-Talkhis al-Habir]


  1. This narration is "weak."
Hafiz Ibn Hajar writes:"Between Ibn Faris and Falah is a long desert (of discontinuity)." [Al-Talkhis al-Habir: 1/93]

Deobandis should present its complete chain. Islam is the name of the "connected, authentic" Ahadith of Muhammad ﷺ, not the "disconnected and weak" narrations.2. Even in this "weak" narration, there is no evidence for their prevalent practice of wiping the neck with the back of the hands.

Evidence No. 2:​

Ibn Umar reported that the Prophet ﷺ said, "Whoever performs ablution and wipes his hands over his neck will be safe from the collar on the Day of Judgment."

[Musnad al-Firdous with Tasdeed al-Qaus vol. 4 p. 44]

Comment:This is rejected due to the lack of a chain. Is there any connection between baseless statements and the true religion?

Evidence No. 3:​

Talha bin Musarraf narrated from his father from his grandfather that he saw the Prophet ﷺ wiping the front part of his head until he reached the back of his neck from the front of his neck.

[Tahawi vol. 1 p. 28]


  1. Its chain is also "weak."
Layth bin Abi Sulaym is "weak" and "confused" according to the majority. Imams Ahmad bin Hanbal, Darqutni, Yahya bin Ma'in, Abu Hatim al-Razi, Abu Zur'a al-Razi, Nasa'i, Ibn 'Adi, and the majority of Hadith scholars have deemed him unreliable.

Hafiz Iraqi (725-806 AH) writes:

"The majority have declared him weak."

[Al-Mughni 'an Hamal al-Asfar: 2/178, Takhreej Ahadith al-Ihya by Al-Haddad: 1648]

Hafiz Haythami writes:

"Most have declared him weak."

[Majma' al-Zawa'id: 1/90, 91, 2/178]

Hafiz Ibn al-Muqallin writes:

"Weak according to the majority."

[Al-Badr al-Munir by Ibn al-Muqallin: 2/104]

Busiri says:

"The majority declared him weak."

[Zawa'id Ibn Majah: 54]

Hafiz Ibn Hajar declared him "weak in memory."

[Taliq al-Ta'liq by Ibn Hajar: 2/337]

Even now, relying on his narrations is astonishing.

  1. Wiping the neck while wiping the head is not our issue. The followers of Taqleed should present a Hadith about wiping the sides of the neck with both hands reaching the throat.

Evidence No. 4:​

Talha narrated from his father from his grandfather that he saw the Prophet ﷺ wiping his head until he reached the back of his neck. [Musnad Ahmad vol. 3 p. 481]

Comment:Hafiz Ibn Hajar writes:"Its chain is weak, as mentioned earlier." [Al-Talkhis al-Habir: 1/92]

This is the same previous narration. The criticism on Layth bin Abi Sulaym has already been read. The Deobandi scholar has loaded the same material repeatedly only to increase the volume of the book. Still, they claim to have many Hadith evidence. This is the reality of their evidence!

Evidence No. 5:​

Musa bin Talha said: "Whoever wipes the back of his neck along with his head will be protected from the collar on the Day of Judgment." Hafiz Ibn Hajar says: "Although this Hadith is mursal, it is considered marfu’ in ruling." [Al-Talkhis al-Habir vol. 1 p. 92]

Comment:Its chain is also "weak."

Abdur Rahman bin Abdullah al-Mas'udi became "confused" in his later years. Abdur Rahman bin Mahdi, who is narrating this from him, heard from him after his confusion. Ibn Numair said:"Al-Mas'udi was reliable, but in his later years, he became confused. Abdur Rahman bin Mahdi and Yazid bin Harun heard mixed narrations from him."

[Al-Jarh wa al-Ta'dil: 5/251, its chain is authentic]

This explicit criticism takes precedence over praise. Additionally, Musa bin Talha is a Tabi’i and narrates directly from the Prophet ﷺ, making it "mursal" as well. Thus, this narration is invalid for evidence, which is why it is adopted by the Deobandis.

Evidence No. 6:​

Talha bin Musarraf narrated from his father from his grandfather Ka'b bin Amr al-Yamani that the Prophet ﷺ performed ablution, rinsed his mouth three times, sniffed water into his nose three times, using fresh water each time, washed his face three times, and then when he wiped his head, he said, "Thus," and gestured with his hand from the front of his head until he reached the nape of his neck from the front of his neck.

[Ghayat al-Maqsud vol. 1 p. 137]

Comment:This is rejected and invalid due to the lack of a chain. Collecting chainless narrations and calling it research is specific to the followers of Taqleed.

Evidence No. 7:​

Wail bin Hujr [in a long Hadith] said: He washed his face three times, inserted his fingers through his beard, wiped the inside of his ears, inserted his little finger into his ear to let the water reach, and then wiped his neck and the inside of his beard with the leftover water from his face.

[Mu'jam Kabir Tabarani: vol. 22 p. 42]


  1. Its chain is severely "weak."
  2. Muhammad bin Hujr is "weak." Imam Bukhari said about him: "There is some criticism on him." [Al-Tarikh al-Kabir: 1/69]Abu Hatim said: "He is not strong according to them." [Lisan al-Mizan: 5/119]
  3. Saeed bin Abdul Jabbar is "weak." Hafiz Ibn Hajar writes: "Weak." [Taqreeb al-Tahdhib: 2344]
  4. Umm Yahya is "unknown," and her conditions are not found. Ibn Turkmani wrote: "And Umm Abdul Jabbar is Umm Yahya. I do not know her condition or her name." [Al-Jawhar al-Naqi: 2/30]
  5. If readers check this narration in "Tabarani Kabir," they will find that the Deobandis have adopted treachery by presenting this narration against us. It mentions placing hands on the chest, raising hands when going into and coming out of bowing, and saying "Ameen" loudly, which the Deobandi scholars have conveniently ignored while citing only the part about wiping the neck.

Evidence No. 8:​

Wail bin Hujr [in another narration] said: Then the Prophet ﷺ wiped his head three times, the outside of his ears three times, and the outside of his neck. The narrator said: I think he also said that the Prophet ﷺ wiped the outside of his beard three times.

[Kashf al-Astar an Zawaid al-Bazzar vol. 1 p. 840]

Comment:This is the same previous narration. The Deobandis mention weak narrations repeatedly to give their ignorant followers the illusion that they have many Hadith evidence. Readers already know the reality of this claim. For further satisfaction, refer to the previous comment.

After presenting their evidence, Anwar Khurshid Sahib comments:"The mentioned Ahadith and narrations prove that wiping the neck (nape) during ablution is recommended. The Prophet ﷺ himself wiped his neck (nape) and encouraged others to do so. However, the non-followers of Taqleed say that there is no mention of wiping the neck in Ahadith. Wiping the neck is 'Innovation in Religion'." [Hadith aur Ahl-e-Hadith: 186]

Comment on the comment:

We have exposed the fallacy of the "Ahadith and narrations" they presented. None of these narrations meet the criteria of evidence. Religion is based on "authentic Ahadith," not "weak and fabricated" narrations. Moreover, even their prevalent practice of wiping the sides of the neck with the back of the hands is not proven by these "weak" narrations. Therefore, the Prophet ﷺ did not wipe the neck himself, nor did he encourage others to do so. This is merely an invention of the followers of Taqleed. Rejecting such baseless narrations does not harm the Ahl-e-Hadith in the least.It is evident that this practice is an innovation.

The Deobandi scholar further writes:

"This is the result of non-Taqleed that they boldly call the act of the Prophet ﷺ an innovation. May Allah protect us!"

Comment on the comment:

This is the outcome of Taqleed that they boldly call an act not proven by the Prophet ﷺ or his companions as recommended. May Allah protect us!

Dear readers, judge for yourselves whether declaring such a practice recommended, which neither the Prophet ﷺ did, nor did he teach his companions, nor did the companions practice, is in accordance with or against Hadith?