Authored by: Inayatullah Madani (Hafizahullah)
Testimonies of Arabic Lexicographers
The consensus among Arabic lexicographers is that the "Jāmūs" (buffalo) belongs to the same species as the cow. It is classified as a sub-type or category within the broader genus of cows. Below are clarifications found throughout various linguistic texts:Section 1: The Definition of "Jāmūs" (Buffalo)
- Allama Ahmad Muhammad Fayoumi:
الجاموس نوع من البقر
Al-Jāmūs (buffalo) is a type of cow.
(Al-Misbah al-Munir fi Gharib al-Sharh al-Kabir 1/108) - Allama Zabidi:
الجاموس: نوع من البقر معروف معرب كاؤميش، وهى فارسية
The buffalo is a known type of cow, derived from the Persian word “Gav-Maysh” and adopted into Arabic.
(Taj al-Arus 15/513) - Allama Ibn Sīda Murci:
الجاموس نوع من البقر، دخيل، وهو بالعجمية: كواميش
Buffalo is a type of cow, a borrowed term originally called "Kuwamish" in non-Arabic languages.
(Al-Muhkam wa al-Muhit al-A'zam 7/283) - Allama Nasir Khwarizmi:
والجاموس نوع من البقر
Buffalo is a type of cow.
(Al-Maghrib fi Tartib al-Mu‘rab, 89) - Allama Kamal al-Din Damiri:
الجاموس وهو ضرب من البقر
Buffalo is a form of cow.
(Hayat al-Hayawan al-Kubra 2/275) - Allama Ibn Manzur Afriki:
الجاموس: نوع من البقر، دخيل، وجمعه جواميس، فارسي معرب
Buffalo is a type of cow. The term was borrowed and adapted from Persian into Arabic, with the plural form being "Jawamis."
(Lisan al-Arab 6/43) - Authors of the Majma al-Lugha al-Arabiyya, Cairo:
الجاموس حيوان أهلي من جنس البقر والفصيلة البقرية ورتبة مزدوجات الأصابع المجترة
The buffalo is a domestic animal belonging to the cow species, specifically from the family of bovines, categorized as a cloven-hoofed, ruminating animal.
(Al-Mu'jam al-Wasit 1/134) - Allama Muhammad Batal Rakbi:
الجواميس: نوع من البقر، معروف، وهو معرب يعيش في الماء
Buffalo is a known type of cow, a borrowed term often referring to water-dwelling species.
(Al-Nazm al-Musta‘zab 1/146) - Dr. Abdul Ghani Abu al-Azm:
جاموسة ج: جواميس: حيوان من فصيلة البقريات الثدييات المحترة، المزدوجات الأصابع
Buffalo, with the plural form "Jawamis," is a member of the bovine family, characterized by cloven hooves and ruminant features.
(Mu‘jam al-Ghani al-Zahir, Article No. 9119)
Section 2: The Definition of "Baqr" (Cow)
- Allama Kamal al-Din Damiri:
والبقر وهي أجناس فمنها الجواميس
Cows have various species, including the buffalo.
(Hayat al-Hayawan al-Kubra 1/214) - Allama Muhammad Ahmad Harwi:
وأجناس البقر منها الجواميس واحدها جاموس
Among the species of cows are buffaloes, with the singular being "Jāmūs."
(Al-Zahir fi Gharib Alfaz al-Shafi'i, 101) - Authors of the Majma al-Lugha al-Arabiyya, Cairo:
البقر: جنس من فصيلة البقريات يشمل الثور والجاموس
Cows belong to the bovine family, encompassing both bulls and buffaloes.
(Al-Mu'jam al-Wasit 1/65) - The Council for Modern Arabic Language:
البقر وهو جنس حيوانات من ذوات الظلف من فصيلة البقريات ويشمل البقر والجاموس
Cows are a species within the family of cloven-hoofed animals, including both cows and buffaloes.
(Mu‘jam al-Lugha al-‘Arabiyya al-Mu‘asirah 1/230) - Shaykh Abdul Latif Ashour:
البقر: جنس من فصيلة البقريات يشمل الثور والجاموس
Cows are a genus from the bovine family, covering both bulls and buffaloes.
(Mawsuat al-Tayr wa al-Hayawan fi al-Hadith al-Nabawi, 106) - Allama Abu al-Fath al-Shihhi:
بقر: هو حيوان شديد القوة خلقه الله تعالى لمنفعة الإنسان، وهو أنواع: الجواميس
Cows are powerful animals created by Allah for the benefit of mankind. Their types include buffaloes, which produce the highest quantity of milk.
(Al-Mustatraf fi Kulli Fan Mustazraf, 353)